what to do next?

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At the shower, type had his head hung to be watching the water swirl about to sign here and there, rolling his eyes, the water started to get cold. He then moved out from the water to go about to grab a towel to wrap it about his waist to then turn to go to his mirror to look himself over to shake his head at his image.
Type rolled his eyes to then turn to go about to head to his dresser to get Dress for the day to leave his room, to stop being the couch to look over that painting to place his hands to his hips.
This needs to be destroyed.
Type gritted his teeth to turn to go to the kitchen to stop to the door way to look over tharns back.
"What are you doing?"
Tharn turned to eye over type with a smile to then go back to the stove.
"You need to eat before work right?"
Types eyes narrowed to then go to the table to eye down to place his hands together upon it.
Tharn turned with the food to the plates to then sit down to dig in, he then looked up has he noticed type not eating.
Type took in a deep breathe.
"You..... Need to throw it away tharn."
Tharn chewed at his food to eye over type confused to then eye down.
"Tastes fine too me."
Type signed.
"Not talking about the food that..... Thing in the living room."
Tharn rolled his eyes to re look at type.
"That thing, is not going anywhere. I still have a few ideas to make it bolder."
Type looked to tharn.
"Tharn....it's disgusting, you need to throw it away."
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"Is that what you believe what we are doing is?"
Type made a face to eye down to then grab his fork to then start to play with his food.
Tharn darted his eyes about type.
"I...... Need to go to work."
Tharn watched type get up to see him leave to shake his head.
Going to work, type was to the cafeteria to be eating his breakfast to be eyeing down to be lost in thought. What tharn asked this morning was in his head.
Do I think what tharn and I are doing is disgusting? To a point I do yes but...... Did set rules with him and...... We keep..... Well..... Tharn either takes or I fold.......ugh...... What am I going to do? What can I do next with this?
Type then turned his head to widen his eyes, Dr. Thera came about to eye over his table with a tray to then look back to him.
"Can I sit down?"
Types Lips parted to then nod, Dr. Thera went to a chair to then sit to start to eat at her food.
"Um.... This is....."
Dr. Thera shrugged.
"Let's not talk about this. We are work collages."
Type made a face to nod to then go back to eating his food. Has the day progressed, type was to a room to be eyeing over dr. Thera to have a pained expression.
Why did you sit with me today to have breakfast? That was quite....... Interesting.....
Type signed to wrap his arms about himself..
Yourll sit to eat but won't go on a date with me...... Women......I just don't always understand.....
Has the doctor finished, type then followed her for them to both leave.
Walking through the hall, type Darted his eyes about to take in a deep breathe.
"So...... Do you believe this patient will pull through?"
"It's questionable."
Dr. Thera stopped to place her hand to types arm to eye over him has he looked to her.
"However I don't believe that is what you wanted to ask."
Type made a face.
"I think if I asked you what I was going to.... It would have been a no. Right Dr. Thera?"
Dr. Thera made a face to then shrug her shoulders to let type go to then start to walk forward.
"Maybe I will.... Maybe I won't."
Type raised an eye brow to watch her leave to take in a very deep breathe.
What was that?
Type groaned to turn to continue on with his work to be very confused. Soon he was able to go home to be sitting to the couch to look over that painting that was still there to eye it up and down. He then looked to the side to see tharn come thru the door with a bag to widen his eyes has he looked to type to then turn to close the door.
"Interesting. Thought you were going to be coming home later."
"Tharn.....I told you to get rid of this."
Tharn shrugged to then take off his shoes to turn with that bag to place the contents to a table to eye over the paint.
"I'm not done "
"Even when you get done, this can't be shown so, you need to get rid of it."
Tharn turned to eye over type.
"Why can't it be shown?"
Type widened his eyes to then stand to point at it.
"I'm in it tharn!"
"So? I've sold pieces where I've created likeliness of you."
"Tharn this is not the same! You need to...."
Type lowered his arm to step back a bit has tharn started to come towards him.
Tharn stepped very close to stop to wrap his arms about himself.
"Type......I am not going to destroy this. Especially since it shows you....in a very....."
Type looked over tharn has he stepped closer to then hit his legs to the couch, tharn moved his hands up to types neck, for type to place his hands to his wrists.
Tharn couldn't help but to smile, to move a hand down to place it over types crotch, to go to his neck to start to kiss, type made a hard face.
"This painting......is what I see of you type....I.... Can't destroy it....mmm..... Can we...... Do it?"
Types body tensed has tharn had moved his hand up to then place it into his boxers to start to play with his member for types legs to buckle for them to hit the couch.

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