what the Fuck!

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Furrowing his brow, type smacked his mouth has he felt it was very dry and he was very thirsty. He then signed to gulp to then slowly open his eyes to look about to groan. Things were moving a bit, he then signed to move up from his stomach to slowly move to his butt to place a hand to his forehead to whimper a bit, this is what he hated about drinking.
Making a hard face he then froze has he heard soft breathing, he slowly turned his head to the side to look down to start to breathe when heavier to take his hand down to look over tharn who had a blanket covering him to be asleep to his side.
What the....
Types eyes then darted has some things came back into his memory, he then made a disgusted face to then turn his head forward to then hang it to then place his hands to his eyes to mumble.
What the Fuck! What is wrong with me! We had..... Again!
Feeling the bed shake, tharn made a face to then slowly open his eyes to look up to roll his eyes to then go to his back to smack his lips to turn his head to the side to take in deep breathes.
"How.... Are you feeling?"
Type moved his head up to then snap it to the side to look over tharn.
Tharn turned his head to the other side to look over type narrowly to then watch him get up and quick to run to the bathroom, tharn got up on his forarms to see this to then shake his head.
Type had his head into the toilet.
Tharn then got up to go about to then place himself to the door way to wrap his arms about himself.
"Oh my......I think your pregnant."
Type took his head out from the toilet to look over tharn bewildered.
Tharn couldn't help but to smirk, type rolled his eyes to then move back to eye the toilet.
"This isn't funny tharn."
Tharn shrugged.
"It's a bit funny. So...... What do you think we're going to have?"
Type signed.
"Oh, do you think it's going to be a boy?"
Type couldn't help but start to laugh to then roll his eyes to get up to go gather a towel to place it about his mid section to stand in front of the towel rack to take in deep breathes.
Tharn looked over type to then turn his head to look at his sink to go to it to grab an extra cup to fill with water to then step towards him..
"You need to keep yourself hydrated nurse "
Type gritted his teeth to then turn his head to then turn his body fully to eye the wall.
"Damnit tharn! Go put on clothes!'
"Why..... You've seen my dick, been inside your..."
Type turned to grab the glass to then down the contents to place it to the floor to then place his hands to tharns body to turn him about to then shove him and hard.
"That's it. I need you to get out of my room."
To the first door, tharn shook his head to then turn to push type back to eye over him, type looked to tharn to then turn his head to the side.
"Type, I am not going to leave, it's late, I'm tired, let's go back to bed."
Type turned to place a hand to his stomach.
Tharn eyed that to shake his head in disapproval.
"Now would you cut that out, you were wanting it just a few hours ago."
Type signed to whimper a groan to then go to his bed to try to sit to then go to it to lay to his side, his ass hurt and tharns cum started to leak out.
Tharn eyed over type to then go to the edge of the bed to look over him.
"Type...... We had sex...... Twice now, I also gave you a blow job. Just deal with that fact so we can move on from it."
Type shook his head to then eye tharn.
"Why are you so...... Calm about this? You raped me... Twice."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"I did not! The first time we both were drinking and...."
"The second time I drank you did not!"
Tharn gulped to sign to eye down .
"You....... Were being very cute type also....... You were wanting it so bad......I couldn't......it was wrong I will give you that but....."
Type rolled his eyes.
"I...... Need to move out tharn."
Tharn eyed over type in shock.
"I can't continue to live here. Not after we seem to keep crossing the line. We are nothing but best friends and yet we've.....ugh! Just get out!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes to then move about to go to lay next to type to then wrap his arms about. Type Darted his eyes.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to sleep. You are acting ridiculous right now."
Type started to struggle.
"I am not! I'm not gay tharn! Youve known that since we met!"
"So what? You are sexually frustrated, so am I....... Men and women experiment with the other, don't be like this."
Type started to thrash harder in tharns grasp.
"Fuck tharn! Let me go!"
Tharn moved his cheek against types.
"No. Also I'm sick of you trying to leave me every 5 seconds, causes me stress and my work suffers. You are not moving. Now look, we can make another rule."
Type stopped moving to turn his head to look over tharn who moved his back.
"What rule?"
"Other then right now, I won't touch you until I know for a fact you want it."
Type rolled his eyes to then eye the wall.
"Tharn...... No! This is not okay! I'm straight! I need to move out and.... What in the hell are you doing!?"
Tharn couldn't help but to smile and wide to take his one hand slowly down has he kept his one arm wrapped about type to keep him there to then place his hand to his limp member to start to stroke to go to his ear to nibble, types whole body tensed.
"Type, just enjoy this. Know you feel so much pleasure from it. They let's go to sleep and talk more about this tomorrow."
Type curled in his toes has tharn was giving him a very sensual hand job to start to breathe heavily to move his hands to tharns arm to grip.
"Tharn......nnn.....faaaaa......Fuck! You need to..... To......mmm......."
Type curled his bottom lip has the alcohol started to make him tired and weak.
Tharn kept to his ear to draw out his tongue to move it about to start to jerk type off harder.
Type lifted his head back a bit to then move his groin with this action.
"Damn..... You....aah.... Tharn!"
Tharn couldn't help to laugh to kept stroking off type who would never admit this felt so very good.

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