mentally preparing

281 36 21

The next day after type took the day off previously, when he went to work, he was scorned a bit from his boss and doctor thera just wouldn't talk nor look to him, however for type he cared more about Sunday has that day was rapidly approaching.
Sitting to the desk and computer in a room, type couldn't help but to look up tharns parents, he really didn't know anything about them since high school.
Type made a face at what he was seeing.
You.... Really get your artistic ability from your mom, this fashion line is incredible.
Type moved down the page to stop at something to part his lips to gulp.
He read to her bio she was married and never had any children.
Type rolled his eyes to then start to look for his father, other then a social media page he was very much living off the coat tails of the mother.
Type then turned off the computer to peer his eyes down has a memory flashed through his head.
High school days
Type and tharn we're to his house to be packing up his things to a box in tharns room, for them to then turn there heads has they heard a slight noise behind them, type looked to see tharns father have a bottle to his hand who stood next to his mother who was to the door frame to have her arms wrapped about.
"Mm....faggot still here?"
Types Lips parted to sign..
"Um Mrs...."
She looked to type with venom.
"I do not want my son's boyfriend to ever talk to me!"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Type is not my boyfriend, he unlike me, is very much straight, just helping me pack. Need just a little bit more time and....."
"No! Get out now! Don't want your filth in my house anymore!"
Tharns mother looked back to type.
"He is going to ruin you too, just you watch. If you really are straight, get away from tharn now, ugh you two need to leave, I'm going to call the police."
Tharn signed and hard for type to then go to him to wrap his hand to his wrist for the other to eye.
"Get what we packed, will just go to court for the rest. Come on."
Tharns face fell to do just that for them to leave with the bare minimum for the mother to watch with the father behind her to shake her head.
"You were nothing but a waste of money and time, I have no son!"
Type then darted his eyes has he came into the present to sign and hard.
This is not going to go well.
Type made a face to then get up to start to do his rounds to think about his he should go about this on Sunday and why he even wanted to talk to those assholes.
Moving through the hall he had his head hung to be still lost in thought for doctor thera to come about to eye over him to stop has he passed to then turn to eye over him narrowly.
Has he was making his way down the hall he then was pulled to a room to the have his eyes go wide.
Doctor thera was standing before him with her hands to his face to be kissing him to try to go deeper for type to place his hands to her chest to gently push her back for them to eye the other.
"What are you doing?"
Doctor thera signed has she looked to him.
"You hounded for me, for months, to go out with you, I gave you a chance then you do that. I want to know why?"
Type made a hard face to sign.
"Just been very busy and...."
"Bull! After you made me cum you left when I tried to......well you know. I want to know what is going on with you."
"Doctor thera, we are at work and...."
Type tried to go about her for the doctor to go in his way..
"I saw you yesterday, you were fine, don't know why you called out and lied. What are you doing? Fucking one of these slutty nurses?"
Type signed once again.
"Doctor thera, I really don't have time for this and...."
Types head went to the side for him to flex his jaw, the doctor slapped type once again..
"You are a gigantic asshole!"
The doctor tried to slap type again for him to move quicker to place his hand to her wrist to have tharn in his ear about him being slapped.
"Listen, I am sorry for what has happened, I am not trying to lead you on. You can be mad, you have every right to be, but you are not going to keep hitting me!"
Type moved her hand away to then go about for the doctor to stay there to gulp to look to the floor with a bit of anger, she was starting to grow very strong feelings for type, this just took the cake, she very much liked strong men.
Going through the hallway type was livid, he then took out his phone to do something he had never done before.
To the apartment, tharn Darted his eyes over his work to step back to it to keep painting, he was feeling so very inspired.
Tharn then stepped back to furrow his brow to turn his head to look to the door to see type to raise an eye brow, he then turned his head the other way to eye over the clock.
"Your home early."
Type took off his shoes and threw his bag to the ground for tharn to turn to eye over him a bit confused.
"Type? What's going nn!?"
Type went straight to tharn to place his hands to his face to give him a deep kiss, tharn kept his eyes open to look to type to then peer then down to see a slight pink mark, he then placed his hands to his chest to push him a bit away to place a hand to that cheek to eye over.
"What the hell? What happened here?"
Type Darted his eyes over tharn.
"Do you want to know that, or can we go to bed? Right now?"
Tharn signed to eye him over.
"Sex is not more important then this, so tell me what happened?"
Type made a face to then place his hand over tharns to peer his eyes down.
"The.... Doctor kissed me."
Tharns eyes widened to then step back to look over type.
"Excuse me?"
Type looked to tharn to then look down.
"She came out of no where, pulled me to a room, kissed me, has she tried to go further I pushed her away, tried to talk, then she slapped me."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then turn to start to go to the door, type turned his head to then go to him.
"What are you... "
"She's still at work right?"
Type rolled his eyes.
"Tharn.... She's a girl."
"I don't care! She can't just do whatever she wants! Told you she was a bitch!"
Type stepped closer to tharn to wrap his arms about to place his forehead to his back..
"Tharn.... Please let it go."
"No! She keeps hitting you and I'm sick of it and...."
"I stood up to her about it. You don't have to do anything. "
"Type.... She keeps hurting you, I am not going to stand for it and...."
Tharn then turned his head to peer his eyes down has he felt hands to his back to then move about to his body to start to go down, tharn turned his head to look down.
"Tharn, I really just want you right now. Can we please.... Just go to bed?"
Tharn then turned in there embrace to place his hands to type head to lift it up for them to eye the other.
"I love you type."
Type nodded to move closer to press his mouth to his for tharn to use his body to push type back for them to start on the couch to end in types bedroom.

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