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The following morning after we were examined and the doctor told us we could walk around the deck for exercise but do it slowly. We did than ate breakfast out on the deck. Banana pancakes with three thick sliced bacon with some water so we could take our pills which included our vitamins, prebiotics and Maura finally told me she had one pill to help herself with her anxiety. We went back to our cleaned bedroom. Sasha told me about her childhood all the way until she met Edward. We stopped so we could make love. I was falling for Maura.  I finally told her.

Sasha I have developed feelings for you too but cannot fall in love with you because I love my wife. I enjoyed making love to you too and not for once think I was obligated too fulfill our arrangement. 

I refrained from telling her I loved her. If there was no Jane, no Cheryl nor Lisa in my life I would ask her to be my wife even though there is age difference. Sasha made sure no one could come in even if they tried with a key. She asked for us to be left alone after lunch was brought in which we ate and drank all of it and the crew came in to get the dirty plates and everything.

We started to enjoy each other's company not just sexually. If I was honest with myself, she was everything I would want in a lifetime as a lover, friend and maybe a wife. She was talking to and my mind was thinking of what I felt towards her. I have been married three times twice to Jane and once with Edward.

MAURA ARE YOU OKAY? HUH WHAT? I have been talking to you for a few minutes and your not paying attention or responding to my question? I am so sorry. I was thinking of something.  If you want I am a good listener,  you can tell me. Sasha it's okay. It would only make my life more complicated.  Okay,  I  was asking you what would you like for dinner, since we are both feeling better.  Of course,  not 💯 percent.  How about we eat grilled cheese sandwich with chicken rice soup with water and pine apple juice.

Sasha called and told the head chef what we wanted. Whatever we wanted, he and the others would make for everyone.

My second question, if I ever asked you to marry me. WOULD YOU DIVORCE JANE? I CAN GIVE YOU A CHILD LIKE YOU ALWAYS WANTED.  Sasha this too difficult for me to be honest.  I have two daughters who truly love me. I helped raised Julianne.  When we thought her and our niece had died, we were devastated.  We found out several years down the road they survived but had amnesia.  They finally have most of the memory back but not all. Maura I knew some of it but didn't know all. Sasha what would you like to know about me? Everything.  Okay that is too much. Let's start small.
I would like to know about your childhood.  I know you and Jane are cousins and got married. Yes it's true but we didn't know it when we fell in love.  Our family and close friends accepted it. It took awhile.

I told her about my childhood, my Nani and papi Isles, my biological grandparents I never knew but inherited alot from them as well what I inherited from my adoptive grandparents.   I told her all the way through when I stopped working st the sheriff's office in Sacramento.  We ate dinner and took our medications and vitamins.  She told me about herself and we agreed we had similar back grounds.  We finally said good night. We cuddled.

Auntie Jane have you heard more from Auntie? Yes Olivia's. She is getting better and she is relaxing. Okay good. If you need anything from either of us let us know.  Thank you four for taking me out to dinner.  Auntie you have always been supportive to both of us and our spouses.  This is the least we can do.

We hugged and drove home. Lisa and I decided to come back to Sacramento and just stay together at each other's home with Cheryl too.

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