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It's good to be home. Yes and the personal security detail are nice people too.

We finally unpack and rest. Maura ordered us food to he delivered because nothing was taken out to be cooked plus some had to be thrown out because it went bad.

Babe your cell is ringing its Drew. Please hand it to me.

She hands it to me. I put my blue tooth in my ear and go outside to go to meet Mario who came home for lunch.

Maura I have us all connected.  Jay and Lisa found out who leaked some of our missions. Who says  Yilena? It was a man from China who hacked into the government database.  He was leaking information to the highest  bidder. Was my wife one of them? Yes but not the highest? Russia was. He has been arrested and is talking more. He is singing like a bird they are water boarding him to get the information.  Why did my wife bid?He said she wanted to find out about all of us so she could take us all down especially you because of your mutual husband.   Maur do you trust her?Yes alot has occurred and she has been honest with me. I hadn't had a chance to contact you all. I am sorry I have other things going on that were more important.  No one needs anymore personal body guards. She has no plans taking anyone business down anymore. Jane your firm was next then it was going to be Drew's magazines.  When she fell in love with me, she stopped and paid everyone to stop and to burn everything. We watched each person burn it. She had people to go there to search everything. Each person was embedded with a tracking device so she knew all the locations each person went to. She paid for all places to be searched. Everything not burned was sent here to our home we are getting ready to burn it all. I have read alot of it and it could of got us in trouble  and made us look back with many people.   Maur you okay? J I will be just give me time to help my wife get better.  Maura we know about her still born. We are so sorry but won't say anything.  I started looking into her when you contacted me. I am glad well you know I won't say your location.  If you need anything, let me know. Thank you Drew. Our dinner is coming.  I need to go. Maur be careful.  J I will be.

We ended our conversation.

My wife brought our food outside the weather was not too cold nor hot.  We would eat once all was burned. We had alot to burn.  We both had a glass of wine as we watched it burn and added more . We would have to empty the fire put later on once it cools down. It took us over an hour and thank goodness pizza could be reheated as well as Buffalo wings. I went to get a some salads and opened while we warming up the other food in the bbq.

Babe what did Drew want? About you wanting to ruin us and what you found out. Did you tell him all I did. Yes I told them all. Jane still wants me to be careful. I have no desire to hurt you anymore. I know but with all. She still be protective.  I am glad they all can stop having personal security detail. Maura you know we still have to have ours. Yes, I told Mario that so he and Courtney  so they don't get spooked. He said cool because of free security for the area.  I am glad he sees it that way. He said he and Courtney would talk to our neighbors. He asked me if he could have photos of them, their names and a photo of the vehicles they drive so he and the others will know not to call the cops. I will get you the information and ask them to take it to each person so they could meet them too. I like that idea better.

We ate our late lunch and drank another glass of wine.

My wife contacted all of them and they said they would do what she asked. They really don't want to scare the people who live in our street.
We went inside and would clean up the ashes tonight or tomorrow when it was cool enough to put in the trash receptacle and it not catch fire.

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