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Lisa how's your head? Still a little sore.  I am glad  Candace said no concussion. She was wondering how I hit my head so hard. I didn't tell her it was from rough sex. Lisa I still cannot  believe you didn't hold onto my hands when I told you so you wouldn't hit your head on the headboard as you did. Jane I didn't mean to fall while we were changing positions.  Let's go for walk than we can come back and eat the breakfast we mad. I am jist glad Maur didn't answer any of her phones this morning. You know Lisa we both would get a serious lecture.  I am just glad Candace came over when I called her Lisa. She wouldn't let us pay her so I gave her some tickets to see the San Francisco Giants game that was meant for us and our daughters. I know I felt bad when they said they couldn't go and why. I am just a bad mother.  Jane no you are not. How could we know they got sick. Lisa a mother is suppose to feel these things. Jane stop bring so gullible. At least the tickets won't go to waste. I know Fred will enjoy going with the three of them. My head with all the screaming wasn't up for it. I know Lisa.

We finally returned 45 minutes later and ate the waffles. Sausages with fresh strawberries sliced on top with maple syrup from Virginia and drank a latte.

We decided to go buy them some fresh fruit , pine and orange combined juice by lagers , cough syrup and lots of kleenex.

We called Julianne on let them know we left two usable black bags on their porch. They were appreciative especially with the kleenex.  They were using toilet paper 2 ply. Jane told them she would have Walmart to deliver some more kleenex and a 48 roll of toilet paper and cough drops with honey and menthol like Dorothy asked.

Jane got online and told them it would be there by noon today.

Maura wake up its after ten. Our cells have been blowing up for awhile. I just checked my Lisa is okay. What do you mean? They had rough sex and Lisa lost her balance and she hit her head on the headboard.  When she couldn't get a hold of you, she called Candace to examine her.

Maura got on her cell and called Jane and Lisa.  I never heard my wife yell and in the tone she was using while chewing them out.  She hung up pissed.

Maura calm down.  If I knew how to check your blood pressure using your pressure cup it would be high. Please drink this and take several deep breaths for me.

Sasha they barely are both going to return on Monday.  In three days and they go do this.  My love they probably will not do that again or be more careful.  Sasha you don't understand.  What don't I understand.  They both are stubborn and will do it again as a challenge.  They are adults.  Yes but I don't want to lose anymore ex lovers.  I know and you told them that.

I finally got my wide to calm down so we could go make and eat breakfast alone. We waved to our security detail whe n we saw them pass by in walking and a few jog by.

Jane someone switched on us.  I don't know who.  Babe did you turn off the cameras during our conversation in the kitchen? No I forgot too. She is our emergency contact.  The alarm  company knows that. I  changed nine after Cheryl died and replaced her with Maura.  Babe we need to change the recordings of our voices and taping when we are talking privately or making love etcetera.  I will do that from my lap top. 

Jane went to get her  lap top.

She logged in and went to the alarm settings and changed it .

All done. Lisa MAUR was right.  If one of us dies, she won't be able to keep it together.  Jane especially of its you. We definitely need to be more careful.

Jane and I text Maura apologizing and said we understood and would be more careful.  We wouldn't be trying that position anymore.  We aren't that young anymore.  She said thank you and agreed we all are getting older.

We cleaned up the the kitchen and decided to play board games until we got tired.

Maura you out did yourself. So what are we going to do today.  I just want to relax on the couch and read more chapters of the romance novel and take turns reading.  I will go get the book and the pillows. You get us some water Sasha.  On it.

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