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In New York...

Sis his concert was wild. I agree with my wife. Laura these fans were a little too much even for his security. He told us he would meet us at your place.  I am glad we had dinner before the concert in this area. The places are closed now.

The three of us went back to my sister's penthouse.   The paparazzi was a little too much for us all. We finally made it back safe in the parking garage with the help of security.

Hey sweetie I was surprised to beat you three here.  How did you do it? I had a double go in the Limousine to the hotel and they followed him while I had a car waiting for me in on the side. The chauffer said it was a mad house and was glad we weren't followed here.  My fans got too much out of hand that I canceled tomorrow's show and having all the tickets refunded.   My mom told them we would not be back until the fans know how to act safe and not put me, my fellow group and the security as well as other fans safe. I was just glad you, my mom and your sisters were behind stage to get out of there quick.  My double took the bow for me and the other members of the group.  They headed back home. I chose to stay here so I can spend time with you. My mom said she was heading back home with Katelyn, Rony,  Julianne and Dorothy  tonight.  Katelyn used Maura's personal plane so they should be home tonight. It was good seeing everyone beforehand and eating with them before your performance.  Rony is okay just a few scratches  the security told me. I called her and she said she was okay. My mom said we would lose money but safety is our number one priority.  It's late  I need a shower and a whiskey when I am done.  We will take showers too. We will join you for a night cap.

Lana is it always this bad? No Julianne. We haven't had to cancel a show in a few years not just because of the weather.  Rony we will pay for your clothes.  Don't worry about. I am just glad my pants were ripped only and a few scratches and bruises.  Babe I am glad you are okay and we had VIP back stage passes.

Now we can sleep while they fly us back to Sacramento.

In Spain...
Maura is Rony okay? Yes her pants got ripped, a few scratches and bruises but other wise is okay. They all enjoyed seeing Pierce perform live but don't want to go to another one for awhile. I am glad she and the others are safe.   Now you see why personal security guards are important.  I always knew that I just wasn't expecting to see that with my sister doing it live for us all to see.  When she screamed,  it scared me. The same.

Let's go to bed. 

In tahoe...
What the fuck? Auntie. Sorry Olivia but those fans made it unsafe for the family and friends. I know I spoke with my mom and she said Rony was okay but no more of his concerts for awhile.  Dinner was perfect by the way Julian.  Thank you. Your welcome.   We better get some sleep. Auntie your blood pressure is a little high like mine. Olivia both of us are because what we saw and didn't know how they were until someone called us.

Good night you two
Good night aunties.  Good night Jane and Lisa. Babe why are you crying? Olivia called me Auntie. Is that okay? Yes - I just wasn't expecting it. Well you married Jane who I always seen as my aunt even though she is my cousin. As far as I am concerned, your my aunt too. I still call Jane by her name and not always Auntie Jane,  but she still is my aunt. Olivia I will always be your aunt.

I watched my wife and the aunts hug before we will went to our bedrooms to go to bed.

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