59 Cheryl last words

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In Canada...

I went up on deck and collapsed.

Babe get us to shore. I will begin CPR she's not breathing. David charge the defibrillator. On it.

Vivien and Alexa used a fishing knife to cut her sweater open .

Babe hurry. I am going as fast as I can.

Alexa and David pulled the back and attached the pads then David attached it to the machine.

Okay everyone stop doing cpr and move back.

Vivien and the rest of us moved back when David hit the button to zap her heart to start breathing. They tried for 15 minutes and nothing worked. An ambulance was waiting when we docked. They couldn't start her hear either and no pulse. Sorry chief. Thank you. We will take her to the coroner. Thank you.

Several us started crying.

Sis the last person she spoke to was Maura's. Alexa call her and I will do a group call to the others.

In Sacramento....
We arrived and Sasha opened the door from her cell and yelled that they were in the master bedroom.
We both ran when our cells started dinging. Maura's cell was ringing.

The three of us looked at our cells. I caught Lisa before she fell and carried her to be the placed to Maura who didn't know about Cheryl dying.

In Canada...

It went straight to her voice mail. I told her to speak with her wife she would know.

Babe I thought she had more time. We all wished she did. Cancer can take you at any time God wants his child back. I don't feel like fishing now.

None of us did. Everyone got out. Vivien backed the truck with the trailer and I got it up on the trailer and lifted the engine.

You guys whose house? Our house babe. We need to ask Samantha what she wanted done. She is the holder of her will.

In Sacramento...

Maur Cheryl collapsed on the boat and they couldn't revive her. DON'T LIE ITS NOT FUNNY JANE CLEMENTINE RIZZOLI.I. Maur I wish I was but I am not.

Maur looks at all of us and sees I am telling the truth. Lisa wakes up. Maura tends to her.

Is anything hurting Lisa? No just my heart. I know the feeling. She didn't trust any of us but the people in Canada. I guess Sasha and I may have been the last to speak with her. Maura and Jane I had no clue or ... it's okay babe we know. I know Samantha is in charge of her will. I know what's in the will as long as she didn't change it when I went with her. Maura what did it say? No services nothing. No grave site marker. She just wants to be flushed down the toilet in her home by us three. Maur your joking right? I wish I was. All her things except her weapons and photos are ours only. All her furniture, the house everything is donated to the Sacramento student homeless project in her kids names. Flush down the toilet but why? Lisa to her all was a waste of money. You guys we cannot do that to her. We can't do that to her. Babe we have to if it's states in her will. I know if I die and my will wasn't followed through I would haunt everyone who went against it until the day I die. J! BABE! JANE THAT IS JUST WRONG. I know I don't have room to talk about being wrong, but I am.

Sasha please get my my cell so I can call whoever was calling me.

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