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Ladies since we are done, I will order groceries and some other items we need for the house. I hope you will eat dinner with us. Lola should be home soon.  Tonight is a short day for her. We were going to go out for dinner. Jane whatever you were going to go, I promise to make it better. Lisa can vouch for my cooking abilities.
Babe he can cook about anything even when there is minimal ingredients available. I like to cook Jane. I do all the cooking. It helps me relax.  We were going to go to Cattlemans for dinner. Ah the infamous huge steak place. Here is a pad, please write each of your allergies down and what you were going to order. I will make it better.

Lola comes back.
Hello. Hi babe. I see you all met my fiancée.  I am Lola by the way. You are Julianne Rizzoliz, the architect and many people call you baby girl like they do with your older cousin. Your her wife,Dorothy,who is a graphic designer and you must be Sashaleigha Hightower,the trillionaire and your Jane Rizzoli the ex detective,  ex photographer, ex wine owner, Ed military like beautiful wife and  a well known international criminal attorney who speaks and writes fluently too many languages to state like Ms Hightower.  You have us at adusadvantage. Yes I do. You can find out about me from Lisa and /or stay and eat dinner with us. I like to know who I with. Its better to have the advantage. Yes it is. Yes we will stay. Julianne and Maura will you please move your vehicles so I can back in.  Yes we can do that. Mom hand Dorothy your keys. She will move both of ours as I am writing down what Tarek asked us. Dorothy here are my keys.

They left to move them along with Tareks vehicle. Maura had sold Cheryl's Mercedes already and the man came and got it. She put it in Facebook market place. She said within the hour she placed the Mercedes and other items in the garage was sold to the same man. He bought the scuba gear for his daughter and the Mercedes for his wife.

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Tarek placed the order with Safeway and he starts looking for other items to cook with after he reviewed our allergies

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Tarek placed the order with Safeway and he starts looking for other items to cook with after he reviewed our allergies.

They returned.

Dr. Isles did you sell the Mercedes? Yes and all the scuba  gear and other items in the garage. I also updated the defibrillators and  refilled the first aid kits. You might want to go have your fire extinguishers recharged too. They expired last week.Lola I will drop them off on my way to work.

Tarek's cell rang and this was his screen saver

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Tarek's cell rang and this was his screen saver.

The groceries came. He started prepping the pan and the meat.  Lola was putting the items he wasn't using.

Jane I know  you and Julianne like to eat your actual dessert first if your spouses allow you. I brought  two cheesecakes home. One is a chocolate and the other is regular with various berries on them. The coffee is done too.

Julianne and  Jane look at their wives for approval.

Jane a small piece. Julianne the same for you. Yes babe.

Everyone chose which one they wanted after I cut them up.

40 minutes later all the steaks , garlic mashed potatoes with various cuts of meat and a mixed green salad with balsamic vingarette.Tarek tole each of us whose meat belonged to whom.
Lola poured us ice tea.

Before we eat I would like to say a prayer outloud.

God you took away a Charlie's angel ( we laughed). We will all miss her.  I know I will.  Cheryl your finally in heaven with your kids and other loved ones. I know we have you as our guardian angel.  God thank you for putting Cheryl in my life. I now get to know more people who meant alot to her . Please bless this food and everyone here. AMEN.

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