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I eventually fell asleep after walking around the yacht. My wife was sound asleep when I got out of bed. I hope she still is asleep.  I was thinking was Sasha the right person for me to marry. I hated to doubt that my wife had ulterior motive to ask me to marry her.  I finally returned to bed and she wasn't there. I heard her puking. I knocked on the door.

Sasha you okay? Yeah I guess so. I look into the toilet and see what use to be a little baby.

I look at her and hold her. She tells me she didn't realize that she had be inseminated with long before me took place. I got the unborn child out of the toilet and wrapped it up.

Sasha what would you like to do with your son? We also need for you to go to the hospital.  Maura I will have them come here. Please give one of the personal body guards of mine him and ask to have Daniel cremated and his ashes brought back here.

I did what she asked. I had so many questions for her but it wasn't the time to ask her.

Babe let's get you to take a shower. Okay,  I  started the water and she got undressed crying.  I helped her get in and got undressed to and joined her. I held her as she cried. I knew what she was going through when Jane lost her child before Julianne. I just continue to hold her until she stopped crying.

Maura I even had my menses and was pregnant. It can happen. Some people have healthy babies and not even know they were pregnant.  I am truly sorry this occurred. I don't want anyone to know. Please don't tell anyone. I won't.  Thank you.
Let get us now both clean and get ready for the medical team. Sasha why do you have medical teams come to you? I prefer that way. You will bleed for awhile.  I am aware. I asked the doctor to bring some tampons and sanitary napkins I use while here in Madrid.  I just want you to rest.  Maura I am sorry each time we are on a yacht a medical team has to be called out. It's like bad MOJO or something. I will go with you if you want to see a therapist to discuss your loss. Maura I am hurt,  saddened and angry and wonder why me. I rather not see one.  If I need one, I will call.

The medical staff arrived. 

Sasha I will leave so you can be examine. No please stay. I know I could of asked you, but I didn't want my wife to.

I introduced  myself as hee wife and a doctor.  The doctor asked me what type. I told him I was a former coroner, pcp, and a
Plastic surgeon.  He was impressed and told me he worked with my mom once many years ago.

She was examined.  The doctor gave her some medication to take.  She got dressed again after getting off his portable table. He told her what to possibly expect. He than left and only a nurse stayed on board since I was a doctor. She finally agreed.

Babe its late let's get some sleep. Maura when I woke up you were gone. Where were you? I couldn't sleep and went for a walk around the yacht. Maura you are wondering now if I married you because I wanted to or if I had ulterior motive. I see it in your eyes and how you look at me. Yes I was to get close to you. Why I was never told. It was a need to know.  You know how the government can be. I had no intention of falling in love with you but it happened. Please trust me. I have been honest with you except for me working for the government. They called me  back. I didn't want to go but nor did I want to be arrested. My charity work and donations mean the world to me. If I was arrested,  it would be more difficult to raise funds besides my own for worthy causes that help many. Please know I don't want to lose you.  I was honest with you in my vows.  OK thank you.  I do have reservations but will get pass it. I hope so my love.

We were in bed. This time Sasha's head was using my abs as a pillow.

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