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The three of us went inside when Vivien opened the door for us

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The three of us went inside when Vivien opened the door for us.

Samantha called us and she asks us what hospital was she taken to. Alexa told her she was taken to the coroner.  She told my wife and she told us what her will stated.

Sis you serious? Yes Hollie she wants Maura,  Jane and Lisa to flush her down her toilet in her home and it never states which one.

Alexa continues to tell us.  Samantha was making arrangements for her ashes to be delivered to her so she could give them to Maura. She told us there is no reason to go to Sacramento because she didn't want any celebration at all. We all agreed to stay here and mourn in our own way for the loss of Cheryl Ladd. We called a restaurant to deliver. We were going to have fish dinner. We all ended getting drunk. Everyone stayed the night.

In Sacramento...
Maura this is Samantha.  Can I go over the will over the phone.  Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't allow me to fly to Madrid.  Samantha we came back early.  We just didn't want people to know.  You can come for dinner. Jane and Lisa are here making the Rizzoli raviolis for dinner. Please come  for dinner but don't tell anyone we are back as well as Jane and Lisa.  I will be there in thirty. Don't worry I won't.

The call ended. 
Jane, Lisa and Sasha I invited Samantha over for dinner. She wanted to go over the will on the phone. She thought we were in Madrid. I told her you two were here as well and not to tell anyone.  Thanks Maur we don't want anyone to know we came back early. I had migraine so Lisa thought it was best we leave once we ate lunch. I was hoping my pain for  not eating lunch on time but it wasn't. Do you still have one? Yes. I knew you would have something. I will be right back. I hope dinner is almost over because in an hour you won't be able to drive.  I know.  We brought a bag each.  We knew we didn't want Sasha to deal with you on your own. Where are your bags? In her BMW.  Lisa Where are the keys? I will get them. They are on the kitchen table in my purse. Do you mind if I go in your purse? No just be careful my gun is in there. I will be careful.  Thank you for telling me.  Your welcome.

Sasha left and Maura came back with a pill.

Did I hear you tell my wife in her BMW? Yes Jane bought it for me. Avery and June picked it up. They were able to sell my land rover for a good price too. I saw the deposit the night before Jane surprised with a photo of it in the garage with a vanity plate she got me along with the Boston red Sox license frame.

The door bell rang and Maura went to get it.

Are you gals okay? We are so sorry about Cheryl. Thank you Mario.  Yeah I cried when I saw it and he just held me with a blank look. Yeah you guys it caught us all off guard. We didn't know she was sick. If you need anything,  day or night, call us. Thanks Courtney.  We better get going I have the bbq going on and haven't put the steaks on yet.

They hugged the three of us and left.

I will put your bags in one of the guest rooms.  I will leave your keys on the table.  By the way nice ride.  Thank you. It was a present from Jane. Good taste Jane.  Thank you.

Sasha left than we heard the buzzer. Sasha told the men to let her in and don't worry about checking her for anything.

I noticed you still have security outside? Yes that is why I didn't invite the Lopez.  We have four extra mouths to feed.  They work eight and half shifts.  They will take turns coming to eat with us. I hope you two don't mind nor Samantha. We won't and she shouldn't either. The two of us are surprised Samantha and William don't have them. He has been on Forbes for years. 

Sasha opens the door.

What is with the guards? He asked me if I had any weapons and I told him it was not his business what I did or didn't have. Sorry Samantha.  Being a trillionaire has its draws backs.  Yes it does but it all depends how you handle it. We do our best to stay out of the lime light. We just want to do our jobs as lawyers and enjoy life. Samantha I wish we could do that.  Unfortunately,  my job requires me to mingle alot with alot of uptight and snooty people who think they are above everyone else. 
Dinner is ready ? Would you like me to go over the will during or after dinner Maura. Pleased  it now to get it over with.

Maura your her executor of her will. It's the same as when you came to my office with her. You don't need to read it. I already told them what it stated. I didn't know if she changed it or not.  She still loved you the most but love them too.  I already contacted the coroner. She had stage 4 cancer and they could only delay it.  She had alot of good wigs and knew how to fool people. She left a letter for  you three to read after you flush her ashes down the toilet.  Here are your individual letters. Let's eat than.

We all got up and washed and dried our hands.

You guys let's say a toast. It wouldn't be right to say it when only the three of you are there alone, says Samantha.

We all spoke of the good times. We than drank some of the wine.

Samantha what about Piper being there? Sorry Maura it's just you three. I will be the hallway to make sure no one else is there.  She wants this all done within three days.

We ate and told stories how we met Cheryl.   Eventually Samantha left around 7 to go home. We all cleaned up the kitchen.

I need to be up early.  Piper and Christopher recommended a doctor to the Optometry department.  I let them do the interview.  They recommended me to hire him. I sent the contract to the clinic already and Dr. John Michael Higgins signed it. I asked Piper to over see them painting the one wall. I approved the new sign and I am renaming the waiting area after Cheryl with her photos and in memory letters too. Maura that is nice of you. She has been there from the beginning and we all went through alot with her as Co workers, me as a lover and good friend.  I have alot to do. Jane I need a huge favor buddy.  What is it? Stay here and watch Sasha.  Babe I don't need a babysitter.  She did say that. We can just hang out. Sasha I personally know how you fill. I had a miscarriage and it was horrible. I didn't know. Not everything is made available even if your a trillionaire.  Touché. 

We went to our bedroom and they went to the room my wife put their bags in.

Sasha and I got undressed and put a big t-shirt over our bodies and got into bed.

Babe I hope your feelings are not hurt that you cannot be there when we flush her ashes. No I am glad because to have your ashes flush in a toilet is odd to me. It's odd to mer too but it's what she wanted.

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