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We woke up about thirty minutes before we landed.

Katelyn I still cannot believe you found thus painting.

Katelyn I still cannot believe you found thus painting

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Baby girl it was pure luck.  I wish they had more at the antique store we went too. Me-too.  Where are you going to put it at? The room that I way too many photos up that I just painted this week.  I put  most
of the paintings in albums.  I only kept a few and we are decorating that room for Christmas too. Lana you did the press release like a pro. Thank you Rony.  I didn't release your name on who got hurt. I just said an innocent lady got hurt and the crowd was too rough and wild which made it unsafe for all. Therefore, tomorrow's concert is canceled.  If any more places are like this, those will be canceled too. Even if we lose money. Safety and fun are our number one priority.  Dorothy you okay? Yeah my ears are still buzzing a little from the loud noise. I haven't been to a live concert and that close to huge speakers,  since I was in junior college.  Babe the plane is about to land. Lana will you be okay driving alone? Yes I do it alot and I have my gun if I need it. I already spoke with Calder in Romania. He was ticked to say the least and was glad you weren't hurt much.   Pierce and his fellow singers are thinking about taking some time off. None of them are happy.  Alot of tickets will be refunded and fans pissed. Some will understand and others won't.

We finally landed and waited to be told that we can get off the plane.

We finally got off and said thanks for the crew.  We landed it was 3 in the morning.  We would get home by four or four thirty depending where we all lived. It would take Julianne and I home about a little over an hour as long as there isn't an accident or detours.

We all said goodbye and got in our vehicles and drove to the booth and paid a day's worth of parking.

Several days went by.

Jane and were at the Mountain Side Inn eating dinner Monday night.  We figured to go to the dining room to eat.  The security got themselves tables too.

In Sacramento...
I am so glad we are back home. I enjoyed modeling,  the interviews but didn't like how they tried to say I was happy about your concerts being canceled.  Sydney you handled the interview like a pro. I know but the interview was suppose to be about me being in New York modeling not about my reaction to your concerts being canceled.  Sydney unfortunately we are both in the spotlight.  I feel the same way when they ask me about you. Let's enjoy our dinner and relax with my parents than we can go home. Okay!

Son I am glad no one seriously got hurt. You and the guys canceled some of  your concerts.  Dad I was worried that more people of could seriously got hurt.  As it was my double was egged when he got to the hotel. He wasn't happy because it took him awhile to get the egg out of his hair and off his scalp. Mom thank you for being there with us. Son it's my  job to make sure all goes well and remedy it when it doesn't.  I am glad I get a break.  This will give me time to do some of my recording for other musicians. Alesha has been covering me on top of doing her own. She said the good parts being here was she didn't have to pay for the studio time and the musicians got to record their music and got out sooner than if they waited for me. Sydney you handled yourself like your pro. Thank you. We also like to thank you for the lobster and steak dinner.

In Madrid...
My wife had a difficult time sleeping after letting Daniel's ashes in the ocean today. I stayed awake with her. We planned on staying in bed and doing nothing but reading a  romance book and watching funny videos on Facebook. We both finally fell asleep.

Mom and dad thank you for dinner.  You two are welcome.

My parents hugged us and walked us out to my vehicle.

Babe it looks perfect there.

I am glad you removed all the photos down

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I am glad you removed all the photos down. It was way too much and you patched alot of holes up too.  Thank you for making the photos albums.  Your welcome.  If you noticed some of the family liked what you did and others not happy their photos were removed.  I tried only keeping my my siblings and two cousins that are close to my age. I know babe we cannot make everyone happy.

We were finally home and Pierce back his car in and we got out

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We were finally home and Pierce back his car in and we got out.  We both were mentally drained. We planned on taking a shower and not doing anything. Sasha wasn't thrilled with the interviewee asking me questions and decided to buy the TV station and fire the lady.  It shocked me and several others.  I knew something was off but didn't ask what was bothering her. Pierce was concerned too because he could tell when we face time them Maura look tired and drained. This was suppose to be there honeymoon.

We finally went to bed at nine.

Rony something is not right with Maura.  What do you mean? She is suppose to be happy and rested to a point on her honeymoon. Babe she will get the rest she needs. Sasha looks terrible too for her age. When they are ready to talk,  they will. They know we are here to help,  listen or whatever they need. Let's get to bed.

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