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We came back in .
Maura so have you figured out what your packing? Yes lots of clothes even though it's cold there now , it's expected to be some days to be around 74 degrees. I am just glad I can fly my own plane and take whatever and not have to pay for extra luggage. I also will be purchasing alot of wine for us and others. Yeah, I can only imagine. While they are sleeping let's go home and pack our luggage and get our pass ports. I already contacted the crew to be ready to be gone for three weeks. They can stay on the yacht too. I would rather put them up in a hotel. They still can be pampered. You pay for their food and lodging? Yes but the cost for meals is certain amount they are paid in advance. Anything over the amount, they pay for. They receive a monthly salary even when they aren't working for me as well as benefits. They pick up extra flights too and get paid. I didn't know that. It's okay.

We left to go pack. It took us about 2 1/2 to pack. We left them both notes on their pillows to call us if they needed us.

Okay babe I am glad you brought the hummer. This wouldn't of fit in my car.

Let's go. Mario and Courtney will keep our mail for us and any unexpected packages too for us. Okay!

We finally returned and unloaded everything in the bedroom we were staying in.

We finally returned and unloaded everything in the bedroom we were staying in

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Dang Maur I thought you packed enough. These are not only mine. I see you bought more luggage top. Yes I did Jane. Well she woke up with a leg cramp so I massaged it. I made us some curly fries with a salad and a turkey avocado and with mushrooms burgers for us all for lunch. I figured you all be hungry. We are. She is in the hallway restroom and will be out shortly. I also did a 40 minute work out with the weights to get my strength back. Before you say anything doc, I did use the regular amount of weights when I do work out. I figure when you all return, I should begin doing my workouts like normal. After we eat, please take a shower babe. Your a little ripe. I know and will but in the meantime let's eat. We will do the clean up. Let me get our strawberry milkshakes and a bottle of water too. Jane you two start to eat. Maura and I can get what you mentioned.

They both started eating when we both went to the refrigerator to get the mill shakes and than to the pantry once we left the milkshakes on the kitchen table.

These are good. Thank you Sasha. I saw how much luggage you packed. Yeah we will be there for 3 weeks and it's cold most of the time. The trunks have our coats and a few other items. Later on we will have to take our vehicles back. A hummer limousine is picking us up. We will call an uber to bring us back. Since you cooked, we will do the clean up and run the dishwasher. We also will have our Laundry done and yours too before we leave tomorrow night. You two go relax and watch a movie or something.

They left us and we started cleaning up. Maura so we can have everything cleaned. We will need to sleep in the nude. No we don't Sasha but good try.

We finished and went to join them watching a comedy movie with Eddie Murphy in it.

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