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I returned to the office and handed my assistant and Eric's assistant our bills to bill the clients and to get our portion of money they were awarded.  It was lunch and I was tired so I told my assistant I was going home for the day.  She could leave once her work was done.  She was appreciative.  I knew she has been working hard and staying late to get some of the work done.

In Jane's home....
Thank you for the lunch. Lisa and Jane I am sorry if you heard me yell earlier. It's okay Jane and I were just worried.  Thanks to Jane. I asked them to go see Laura's assistant so they could be reimbursed for the stolen funds.  They wanted to tell you thank you. They are welcome.  I am just fortunate to help when I can. Do you need to use the restroom? Yes.

We didn't dare tell Katelyn Jane helped me or she would report it to Maura and we both would get a lecture.

Maura your not going out to lunch? No Mario.  I brought my lunch and am heating it up now.  I have work to catch up on.  Okay but don't over do it. I will try not too. Okay Maura which means you will.

Mario and I both laughed then he left and I left to get my chicken kabobs and a juice.  My salad was already on my desk.

Sydney Macy's and Calvin Klein loved your work. They want you to go next week to New York to do the fashion show up there.  One of Christina's photographers will be going with you. You leave Monday night.  They will have a hotel, car and plane ticket ready for you. Sasha please let them know I need a car and the plane ticket only. I will stay at my sisters.  Please let my assistant to know that. I will.

I told my assistant I would be leaving for the day and see a specific person if she or anyone needs help.

I finally made it back

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I finally made it back.

Hi Katelyn how did it go? They did fine. They are both asleep right now. I got it from here. I will leave them a note to tell them I am here and to call me on my cell. I am going to change snd work out before I make dinner.

Katelyn told me goodbye and left. I wrote a note and placed it on Jane's side of the end table and went to change.

I wrapped my wrists and stretched first before I started hitting the bag with my legs and hands

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I wrapped my wrists and stretched first before I started hitting the bag with my legs and hands.  I was sweaty and getting  a good work out. I stopped when my cell rang. Lisa needed help. I removed the gloves and headed to their bedroom.

Sasha thank you.  Your welcome.  I would like to take a shower.  I had a bad night mare. Okay.  Do I need to change the bedding? No just the bed pad.  Okay.
Let me get you some more clothes like you are wearing or something else. Similar would be fine.

I got her clothes and placed them in the bathroom.  J unwrapped my wrists when she asked to soak in the jacuzzi tub.

Do you.need me to be present?No I will take my cell with me and call you when I am done okay.

I started the water to get it it warm not hot.  I hit the liver and added some essential oil she asked me to to put in. I helped her to the toilet first so she could use it than helped her up. She was getting stronger but she still needed help. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands. She was able to get undress. I help her into the tub and waited awhile just in case she needed further assistance. Jane came in and I left so she could use the restroom without me being present. She said she would stay with her wife.

I washed up again and decided to run on the treadmill after I drank some water. I jogged for an hour than stopped.  I wiped the machine down and finished my water. I washed up and starred on dinner.  I decided to make some veal with a red potato and 🥦.  I was half way done. When I heard the door bell  ring. I answered it. It was Amazon with Maura's license frame I had ordered.  I brought her license plate I had ordered already for her.

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