Season 2 and 3 (Coming Soon)

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These are the upcoming stories for the current season (season 2) and season 3. Which story that you're excited to read next? Leave your answer in the comment.

Season 2: The Story Continues
(The love and friendship drama between Twice and Haeju)

- Twice is Drunk
(Haeju didn't drink, so she felt uncomfortable when the whole group decided to get drunk that night, and who was the member who made out with Haeju?)

- 200 Words, 1 Night
(A story with the exact 200 words count)

- Ranked 10th
(What's that inside joke about 'ranking' they liked to mention these days?)

- Peculiar Monopoly
(The members discovered that Haeju loved playing board games!) 

- Seize the Light
(The fight that happened in a car)

- Sunset
(Introducing Haeju's friends outside of Twice, Hannah and Lica)

- Elevator
(Haeju's friends, Hannah and Lica, were actually quite similiar with these two members)

- 11th Member?
(Who was that new girl?)

- Former Group
(Did you know that Haeju was a group leader before joining Twice?)

- Rivalry Drama by Haeju
(Haeju and her attitude)

- Chillax
(A painful flashback)

- The Mall
(Twice decided to spend their day in a mall)

- Airplane
(Haeju being sentimental in an airplane)

- Mina's POV
(Mina created a song inspired by a fan she met in a fanmeeting)

- The End?
(Twice might not need their tenth member anymore. Could Haeju leave her beloved group? Can they still be friends after that?)

- Lonely Hearts Club (Epilogue)
(A music video produced by Haeju)

Season 3: The Supranatural Coincidences 
(All about magic, fairy tales, and AU (alternative universe) stories)

- Author-Nim
(Haeju accessing her other personality)

- (AU) Supranatural The Fanfiction
(Did you know that Haeju like writing stories?)

- Likey Experiment
(A silly social experiment by Haeju)

- Magical Likey
(There was something wrong happened that day)

- (AU) Snow Tzuyu White, Queen Nayeon, and The Poisonous Apple Juice
(The rivalry between the maknae and the fake maknae)

- Love Harbor
(Poems by Haeju)

- Fan-Letters
(Reading some letters from the fans)

- Haeju's Little Secret
(Haeju accompanying Sana to meet her mysterious friend)

- Ahn Celena
(Twice's old friend visited them and Haeju got jealous)

- Wolvie
(Haeju's another personality)

- Meeting Haeju IRL
(They say to never meet your hero...)

- In The Backyard
(More poems from Haeju)

- Happy Birthday to Me
(Did you know Haeju used to be a vlogger?)

- Pansexual
(Today Sana would come out about her sexuality)

- Crushes
(Every members had a crush on each others)

- Sus and Kiss
(These lesbians smh)

- Movie Night
(Can Twice choose a movie for their movie night?)

- Love Station
(More poems)

- (AU) The Feels
(Who should Haeju pick to be her partner for the prom night?)

- Jeongyeon Did It (Epilogue)
(Haeju was stress and fortunately there was one person that can help her)

See you at the next chapter!

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