5th chapter - Latex

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I went upstairs, and met Garreth in the hallway. "Oh shit, don't worry me like that, babe," he said, pulling me to him for a kiss.

"What's wrong?" "You were usually home earlier, I was getting worried and was about to go look for you." "Oh, you're so cute, but no, it's all good. I just ran into an old friend from kindergarten and we had a chat. But tell me, is it possible that you're pretty high?", I asked laughing. 

"Absolutely, yes," he replied, chuckling, "But at least I've already organized food for us."

"Very good. I'm starving.", I said and pulled him into the living room.

After dinner I texted Sebastian and a short time later a link came, but when I opened it I was really a bit shocked. I saw considerably more lacquer and leather clothing than I would have expected. Startled, I closed the link again, "And you work there?!" "Yep."

He then sent me a selfie of him apparently working behind the counter. "I am the bartender there. It may look strange at first glance, but the customers are much more pleasant than those in the café. I only go there because the coffee is quite cheap. Well, and now because of you haha"

Immediately afterwards came another message, "There's security here in case someone does get assaulted. If you like, I can take you with me one day, so you can get your own impression. You'll get free drinks from me."

I thought for a moment, and since Garreth has a late shift for a week from tomorrow anyway, I texted him, "Tomorrow?" and a few seconds later came, "Okay, then I'll pick you up, or you can just stand downstairs at 6pm. And just wear normal dark clothes."

Garreth and I snuggled up on the sofa, and both smoked some more, before we made love wonderfully high on the sofa.

I told Garreth afterwards that I was going to have a look at Sebastian's work tomorrow night. I didn't tell him exactly what kind of place it was, but I did tell him that the pay was probably quite good there.

"That sounds excellent, sweetie. I'm also hoping to earn us some extra money. Because as awesome as greasy pizza is, I'd really like to cook again," he said, pulling me back onto his lap.

We did it one more time before going to bed. And again I had a nightmare.

The next morning, Garreth and I ate breakfast together before he went back to bed as he would be working from 6pm-2am.

I went to the café and pulled my shift, with no small amount of anticipation for Sebastian's arrival.

Hailey, my boss, helped me serve today as it was significantly busier than expected. When Sebastian arrived, he nudged me and sat down in his usual spot.

"What can I get for the gentleman?", I asked as a joke, after all I knew what he wanted.

"You and the coffee drinker at table four had quite a thing going on, didn't you?" asked Hailey, grinning at me. "We're kindergarten friends. I just didn't recognize him, and yesterday he talked to me." "Well, take your chances. Men that handsome are rare in this town." "I moved here with my boyfriend," I said, smiling a little. But she wasn't wrong, Sebastian had really grown into an extraordinarily attractive man.

At closing time, he was again standing outside the café waiting for me. "I thought we weren't meeting until 6pm?" "Can't I accompany you to the house?" "Sure you can, but don't you have anything better to do?", I asked laughing. "No, term breaks are pretty boring," he said, smiling at me.

We walked home together again, where we said our goodbyes until evening. At home, Garreth was up by now and freshly showered.

We cleaned the flat together while listening to loud music, and then Garreth left for work. I changed, and, fitting the location, opted for a corset-like black top. There wasn't too often a suitable occasion for such garments, so I took my chance.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz