24th chapter - Leather

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"Hi, can I help you?" asked a pretty and slightly chubby black-haired saleswoman.

"Do you have masks?" "Sure, the ball is one of the biggest events around here for our industry." "Perfect. Where do I find them?" "To the left and then at the end of the aisle." "Thanks!" said Sebastian, hurrying in the direction indicated.

Garreth and I looked around and at least I was completely overwhelmed, with the mass of leathery goods, while Garreth looked around curiously and kept holding strange things in my direction.

"Garreth, get a basket, please. This is going to be a big purchase." said Sebastian, looking absolutely happy.

Garreth came up behind with a large trolley, into which Sebastian put three masks. Garreth was about to look at the masks when Sebastian slapped him on the hand, "You'll see soon enough," he said laughing as he grabbed one of the measuring tapes hanging around and started to measure Garreth and me before hurrying briskly across the shop and putting various things into the trolley.

At some point, Garreth and I went to the front and talked to the shop assistant while Sebastian was still scurrying around the shop. At least half an hour later he returned with the bulging basket.

"That will be £532.84 please." "With card please." "Then I wish you three an enjoyable evening." "We surely have. Thank you!" said Sebastian, grabbing the two full bags and walking happily outside.

"Did you just spend over £500 on fetish wear?" asked Garreth in more than shock. "That's a Christmas present to myself. And I'll get some of the money back from Nancy because I got Caelie a new work outfit right away." "Why? The old one looks fantastic on her, doesn't it?" 

"Yeah, but I don't like latex that much." "You really are out of your mind, Seb." "I know, and you're into it." "I never denied that," Garreth said and sat in the car laughing.

Sebastian gave Garreth the address of the hotel, which was probably right next to the venue of the ball.

We checked in and stood in a really nice room, "Seb, why are you throwing your money out like that?" asked Garreth, flopping down on the waterbed.

"It's the money from my last job. I didn't want to spend it on myself alone, and I didn't want to pay for anything really important with it. That wouldn't feel right somehow and just when you move in with me, I want to start over again. Without the dirty money." "How much did you get and what did you do for it?" "Collected a debt for someone. With a gun. Didn't hurt anyone, but got £2,500. But let's not talk about that now. We should get changed. Oh, and don't wear any underwear."

Sebastian went to the bags with the leather clothes. I saw that he had put aside a pair of black, long leather trousers. These were probably for him.

Then he threw to Garreth a pair of dark brown and slightly different looking trousers, and to me a dress, also made of leather, of course.

"Do you have a leather fetish?" asked Garreth with a laugh. "No, not a fetish, but I like the feel of it on my skin, and I think it looks good," Sebastian replied, blushing a little as he undressed.

I looked at the dress and was confused. I tried to figure out which side was the front and which was the back, but somehow something was missing on both sides. I was still sitting there waiting for someone to tell me how to put this thing on when Sebastian kept throwing things at me. "Seb, how the hell is this thing on right?" "Wait, I'll help you in a minute."

Somehow I was also a little excited about what awaited us.

Sebastian put on his leather, black trousers first. They were very tight, and a little shiny. These trousers showed off everything. His muscular legs, his well-trained buttocks and even his cock stood out wonderfully, although it was not even erect.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now