16th Chapter - Hospital

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After our session, Sebastian got up and turned off the camera. I'd forgotten it was on the whole time, but apparently so had the other two.

"I'm not going to delete this, though." "Are you going to publish it?" asked Garreth. "I don't know, honestly. But I at least want to look at it later. Got plenty of time over the Christmas holidays, after all." he said, smiling gently.

"I'm just worried about us being recognized," Garreth said quietly as Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed in irritation, "When was the last time you googled your name?" "When I was fourteen or something. Why?"

Sebastian stood up, and walked into the living room. He grabbed his laptop, connected it to his TV and, smiling, showed us the video of us at our old school.

"Oh shit. This is what comes up when you search my name?" "Yep. Caelies too. Tried to get the post taken offline after I saved the video, but no way."

Sebastian scrolled through the comments on the Twitter post. This seemed to be where all our old classmates gathered.

"I don't think it can get much worse anyway, honestly," he said quietly. And he was right about that. "I'll never find a proper job," Garreth said just as quietly, looking sadly at the floor.

"Sorry, I don't see how I can do more than punch people in the face or threaten them personally either. Well, I could make sure you're not found by employers with your current name, but that seems rather expensive and impractical," Sebastian said, making himself laugh.

"And how?" "Well, I could force one of you to marry me and take my surname, just so we could divorce again so you could marry each other. You could keep that then, but at least you'd be fine with Google searches," he explained, having to laugh heartily himself.

"But well, then it really doesn't matter if you publish it," Garreth said, laughing as well. "Well, I'll see if I can cut some good clips together there," he said with a wink, sipping his water glass.

"And you googled us?", I inquired. "Sure. I had to know if you guys were keeping anything from me." "And you're preaching that we should trust you?" "Researched you guys, I did quite a while ago," Sebastian said, blushing quite a bit.

"What did you actually do with the video?" asked Garreth as Sebastian blushed even more. "Do you really want to know?" "Absolutely." "I jerked off to it over and over again," Sebastian replied, but his face, which had just been ashamed, now looked rather proud, "Told you I couldn't fuck around anymore. And I didn't have the time because I was with you all the time."

"So you were jerking off to your friends? You pervert.", I said laughing and put my hand on his thigh.

"Well Caelie, with you and me it was more from the very beginning. Even though you tried to fight it. And I wasn't sure about Garreth until he kissed me at the concert."

The evening and the days that followed passed quickly. Working together as a threesome, the three of us liked it very much. In general, we seemed to work even better as a threesome.

Then Saturday arrived. Today Sebastian wanted to take us to Anne's.

They talked on the phone every day, but Sebastian didn't want to explain the situation with us to her until today, which is why he seemed quite nervous.

"Why are you so nervous? Do you think Anne won't understand?", I asked as we were having breakfast.

"Oh yes she will, Anne will just be totally blown away, especially when she sees you. But I've never introduced anyone my partner or partners to anyone. There never was someone. I'm not worried about Anne at all, either." "Then what for?" "I'll tell you if it becomes necessary, okay?" said Sebastian, suddenly not sounding in a good mood.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt