70th Chapter - Title

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"And why should I relinquish my titles?" asked Arwyn, smiling but clearly irritated. "Because you fraternised with the lady who accused your father of really bad crimes, and also because you want to marry a whore," Trevyn said, spitting on the floor at my feet. "Everyone under 18 please get out of this room now," Rachel said, shooing the smaller ones outside.

Suddenly, in one swift movement, I saw Arwyn just lunge, and strike. In my panic I closed my eyes and only then saw Sebastian holding Arwyn's hand.

"Gwenaelle Ross, or Weasley as her name is, has been spreading lies about my brother. And, that future wife of yours isn't too serious about faithfulness, I'll be happy to prove it to you too." "So, let's start with Mum. What makes you think they're lies? And to Caelie, let's see the proof. You've got me very curious there."

Trevyn held a tablet in his hand and handed it to Arwyn.

"Well, I can't very well prove something my deceased brother didn't do, but the fact that he wasn't arrested actually says more than enough.

But to Caelie. You see the video for yourself, Arwyn. And it doesn't stop there. With these pictures, an acquaintance helped me access the device that uploaded these pictures to the net and it wasn't uploaded from your phone," Trevyn said, throwing me a triumphant smile as Arwyn scowled at me.

"Caelie, you little slut." said Arwyn, "You had sex with another man. In our bed?" he asked smiling before laughing out loud, "And you let my brother fuck you? I am so, so, so disappointed in you, Caelie. Trevyn, my dear, put the tablet down and tell me who helped you, please. This is the person I need to send a thank you card to for telling me the truth about my unchaste fiancée before the wedding." "You don't know him."

"Don't lie to me!" suddenly shouted Arwyn, seeming on the verge of losing his mind. "Arwyn, please calm down. I just wanted you to know the truth. I know it certainly hurts, but freaking out now won't help you."

"TELL ME WHO GIVEN YOU THIS INFORMATION!" shouted Arwyn, suddenly having a hint of madness in his grey eyes, "It was Oliver, wasn't it?" he continued to mutter, "ANSWER ME!" he shouted again, turning his head back to Trevyn in a frantic movement. His loose topknot untangled itself, sending his black hair flying into his face.

Trevyn, visibly intimidated, nodded slightly. Arwyn turned to leave the hall, but I held him."Arwyn. Please don't be provoked!", I said, holding him. "You should be quiet. If you hadn't cheated on him, he wouldn't be so angry.", Trevyn said and spat again, but this time in my face.In a twist, Arwyn broke free of my grip and slapped Trevyn across the face with the flat of his hand.

"Trevyn, don't you ever dare disrespect me, my fiancée or our families like that again." "Arwyn, what she did is unforgivable." "IT IS NOT!" "She had sex with your brother." "Do you really not get it? It's okay if she does because we're polyamorous, you goddamn retard. She was already together with Garreth and Sebastian when we met. And the phone Oliver accessed was Sebastian's because he had sent me the pictures directly when they were taken, but really, it's none of your fucking business who she, or I, or both of us have sex with at the same time," Arwyn continued to shout and was about to head back towards the exit of the hall when I ran after him.

"Arwyn, please. Oliver isn't worth it." "He will continue to tyrannize us. Oliver is a technical genius. He'll read all our devices permanently." "Then let him do it. I don't care. But please, don't commit a crime. Even as Duke, you can't necessarily get out of everywhere." "Caelie's right, man. He'll have seen a bunch of pictures of my redhaired balls too, but brute violence isn't going to get anyone anywhere now," Garreth said, holding him down as well.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now