28th Chapter - Christmas

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We arrived back home with a proud Sebastian and a magnificent tree. Again, Garreth was in a slightly better mood and danced around the kitchen laughing with my dad. The two of them always got on so well, and I think Dad was especially pleased when Garreth and I got together.After the three of us had set up the tree, Sebastian helped the other two men in the kitchen while Mum and I got the tree decorations from the cellar.

Back upstairs, Ellie, Garreth and Sebastian were already standing by to help us decorate. Mum took one of the golden ornaments and joined Dad in the kitchen while we decorated.

"Do you have any particular order or arrangement?" asked Sebastian a little uncertainly. "Just hang it up so it looks nice," Ellie said happily.

Even though Ellie usually sat very reservedly in her room, she was a thoroughly loving girl. All at once she jumped on Garreth's back, who took her on his shoulders as he always did. Suddenly Sebastian was kneeling beside me, "Get up." "Seb, I'm much too heavy for that." "Don't talk nonsense. Get up now," he said laughing.

I positioned myself above him and he straightened up. Now Dad hurried over to us, and handed us the ornaments, which Ellie and I hung up, grinning.

"Well, that's a cute tradition," Sebastian said when he spotted the name ornaments. "Yeah, yours is drying right now, so leave a spot, please," Mum called from the kitchen.

"Seriously?" inquired Sebastian. "Sure. You're our son-in-law now, aren't you?" said Dad, smiling at Sebastian who seemed to be fighting tears again, "You're killing me with your kindness. It's crazy. How can you be so nice?"

"It's quite simple. Firstly, you are the son of my best childhood friend and secondly, Caelie and Garreth love you. That's all the reasons we need. You're just part of the family now."

We continued to decorate, and all sang together before retiring to relax for the rest of the day. The next day my grandparents arrived, again eyeing our lifestyle with scepticism and criticising loudly until they were reprimanded by Dad in a loud discussion.

When I woke up the next morning, I quietly took a shower, and then wanted to put my and Garreth's presents under the tree, but there were already masses of presents. Apparently the others were quicker than me. Just as I was about to go back into the bedroom, someone stood behind me and covered my mouth while holding me tightly.

He tied something in front of my eyes so I couldn't see him before he pulled down my shorts, lifted one leg and fucked me. He was quite rough with his touches and I liked that. He was choking me.

That had to be Sebastian. I enjoyed it, even though I was in slight pain. When I moaned slightly, he slapped me. I tried to control myself but I moaned again and again he hit me.

He pushed me to the side where he leaned my bottom against a cupboard before continuing to thrust. The blindfold became looser and looser until it finally slipped a little. It was dark and I could hardly see anything.

On the remarkably pale skin, there seemed to be a dark, stubbly beard. On the neck I saw the shadow of a rather pointed Adam's apple. I bent forward and kissed this neck.

An excellent scent came to me and I inhaled it deeply. Again and again I kissed that neck. It wasn't Garreth's scent but it didn't smell like Sebastian either. I was trying to remember where I knew that smell from when a hand grabbed me by the neck and pushed up. I could see who was standing there in front of me and I just had to kiss him.

His eyes were cold and as grey as the cloudy Devon sky on a rainy day, and yet they attracted me.

"Arwyn...", I whispered and smiled. We kissed. I didn't understand how he'd found me, or how he'd got into the house. Had Sebastian or Garreth let him in? Sebastian had obviously already been awake. But really, I didn't care either. I just thought it was great to see him again so soon.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now