17th chapter - Dispute

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"What I am doing here?" the blond man asked, frowning, "I am coming to visit my girlfriend. What kind of stupid question is that? Are you on some drug again?" "Just shut your mouth, Ominis, or I'll make you to do it. You know very well that I'm at Anne's until 4pm on Saturdays."

"Seb, Ominis, please don't fight. Not again.", Anne said quietly, looking at us a little desperately.

Ominis just ignored Sebastian, and went to Anne to give her a kiss. Us he just ignored completely.

"All right, Anne. We'll go again now. You have some company here now," Sebastian said, trying to smile kindly at Anne.

"The three of you don't have to go yet, Seb." "Three?" asked Ominis, irritated.

"Yes, Seb brought his friends. His partners, in other words.", Anne said, sounding quite happy, while Ominis began to laugh spitefully.

"Partners? Are you joining in another gay junkie gangbang now?" he said with a sardonic grin.

Seb tried to take a step forward but I held him.

"Gay? I'm a woman. I didn't realize that was that non-obvious," I said, sounding a little angry now too. Ominis turned bright red, "I'm pretty much blind. I didn't see that you were a woman because I can't see anything further than three centimetres from my eyes."

"Then maybe you should ask first before making outrageous claims. Because we're not junkies either," Garreth said dryly. "You smell like weed, though," Ominis replied, smiling. This time, though, not sardonically, but kindly.

Sebastian walked to the door and just mumbled out a "I am right back,".

"I'm Ominis Gaunt, by the way. I'm Anne's long-time boyfriend. What are your names? And where are you from? I don't know your voices and you don't sound Scottish either." said Ominis, now sounding as kind and gentle as he looked.

"I'm Garreth Weasley." "And I'm Caelie Lewis. We moved here from Devon over the summer." 

"And you get involved straight away with the worst you can find here?" "Why? Sebastian's a lovely person." "If you say so. In my eyes he's dangerous and far from a person you should spend time with, but I think you'll find that out for yourselves in time." "You could also just tell us why he is supposed to be so bad and dangerous." "No. You wouldn't believe me anyway."

Sebastian re-entered the room. "What have you poured yourself into now?" asked Ominis, panting. Sebastian's jaw tightened more and more, "Lorazepam, because otherwise I'll punch you in your fucking face." he muttered. Sebastian looked at us, "These are just my acute sedatives. I get this prescribed." he said to us and had to grin a little as he held the packet under our noses.

I watched Sebastian. He sat down on a chair on the other side of Anne's bed and held her hand. He didn't speak anymore and just looked around the room with a strange, blank stare.

When Ominis went outside for a moment, Anne apologised for their behaviour. Earlier, the two must have gotten along wonderfully.

"But Anne, why should Sebastian be dangerous?" "I'm afraid I can't tell you that. It's best to talk to him yourself." "But you're not afraid of him either, are you?" "No, not any more," she replied quietly.

What was Sebastian's past? Before I could ask any more questions, Ominis returned.

I continued to observe the situation. After a while, a nurse came and asked us to leave. Sebastian stood up, gave Anne a kiss on the forehead, took our hands and went outside.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now