57th Chapter - Paleness

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The next morning when I woke up, Sebastian was not in the bed. I went downstairs and saw that he had fallen asleep again in the rocking chair with a book in his hand.

Quietly I crept out into the garden and smoked a cigarette while talking to Arwyn on the phone.

He told me that he wasn't sleeping well but was trying to enjoy the peace and quiet. I asked him if he had spoken to Rachel, but he told me that they were on holiday and he was just going to spend the whole day in his conservatory today, even though he had already announced that he wouldn't stay away that long, as he already missed me terribly.

At about 11 o'clock I woke Sebastian, who was dressing frantically, taking even more care with his clothes than he already did.

"You do know that Ominis is blind and that this isn't a date, don't you?" I asked, laughing, as Sebastian stood in front of a mirror in the hallway. Sebastian turned bright red and threw me a somewhat angry look, "Yes, I realise that. Both." "Then why all the effort?"

"How am I supposed to appear to anyone as if I have an orderly life if I look messy?" "Why 'appear that way'? Seb, your life is orderly. We study, we work, we both still go to therapy and you have slightly confusing but still loving relationships. I don't see what's disorderly about that. The relationships are orderly too, just unusual."

"I know. I'm sorry, Caelie. I just want to seem ordered. Especially in front of Ominis, I don't want to show weakness. Sorry, I'm just stupid... and childish sometimes too."

"It's all good, Seb. I just don't want you to worry yourself crazy," I said, giving Sebastian a kiss on his flushed cheek.

"I love you, Caelie. I'm sorry for being so difficult sometimes." "It's all good. After all, you love me even with my dark sides.", I replied and pulled him out of the house.

Together we went to Sebastian's flat in time, and opened all the windows to let some fresh air in.

Five minutes before noon, the doorbell rang and Sebastian let Ominis into the house.Very reservedly, Ominis came in, greeted Sebastian and me and sat down.

His pale face didn't reveal his mood, and his quiet movements didn't give much away either.

"What are you here for? Surely you didn't come to me to be silent?" asked Sebastian after a while, when Ominis simply remained quiet.

"Sebastian. I want to apologise to you.", Ominis said softly and smiled a little while his head was slightly lowered.

Sebastian's face turned red and he frowned.

"I didn't understand at the time that it was really an act of love and concern, why you did that to Stuart. I thought you couldn't love me for all you had seen of me. I couldn't believe you. Maybe I didn't want to believe it either. I'm sorry I didn't return your feelings." "You're sorry for that? That's not the reason for my anger," Sebastian said, looking irritated again at Ominis.

"That's not the reason? What then?" "That you weren't honest. That my only friend, and lover fucked my sister, and mocked me and my feelings afterwards."

"That was my way of hiding my fear from you." "A rather pathetic attempt." "On this subject, you and I take nothing for granted, Sebastian."

Suddenly they both looked towards their hands, and smiled.

"You're right about that, but at least my attempt to hide my hurt feelings was full of sex, naked tits and drugs. Pathetic but at least entertaining."

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant