69th Chapter - Castle

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In the morning I was woken up by Arwyn, who tapped me almost in a panic.

"Sweetie, get up, we have to go," he whispered in my ear. It took me a few moments to realise where I was.

"Don't stress," I murmured, stroking his cheek. I stood up to go to the bathroom as Arwyn hurried after me.

"Caelie, we should leave as soon as possible." "Why?" "Wouldn't it make you uncomfortable to look at Lou's face after last night?" "No, should it?" "I don't know, except last year I always left and I don't need a second fiancée." "You won't, don't worry young Duke. I have a wife. We just have an open relationship," Lou said sleepily.

Arwyn blushed bright red. "We had a nice evening after all, and there's nothing to be ashamed of about it for either of us," Lou said, grinning at me.

"Soberly, how was your first time with a woman?" "Fantastic." "If you're both in London at some point, you're welcome to come and visit me and my wife and then we can happily pick up where we left off last night," Lou said, writing down her phone number for me.

Arwyn looked like he wanted to object, but I thought it was a great offer. Why not? After all, both parties live their lives separately, and if you're ever around, you can have wonderful and uncomplicated sex.

I took a note and pen from Lou and wrote down my number for her too, "Same thing if you or her are in Scotland. But only if your wife is as... open-minded... as you are." "And how she is. Normally we go to events like this together, but she's having a visit from an old friend and she's already well cared for. But I have no reason to complain, thanks to you two."

Lou seemed super relaxed and the still somewhat tense Arwyn seemed to calm down at least a little.

We got dressed, and after a friendly goodbye hug, left Lou's room to find our own.

"Where the hell were you?" "With the friendly lady from yesterday.", Arwyn replied with a grin as Reza leaned over and sniffed us off, "You both smell crudely of pussy.", she said with a laugh, which made Arwyn and I laugh quite a bit.

"You can't imagine how scared I was yesterday. When we got back to the hotel there were two cops in the lobby frisking people and I was so scared they wanted to take the rest of my coke," Sebastian said laughing.

"Young blonde lady and a fortyish gentleman with thinning dark hair?" "Yes, that's right, did you see them too?" "We were the reason for their presence." "Why?" "Because I made those two girls scream, Sebastian. Ask Caelie if you don't believe me. Then the cops thought I'd abused them both, and when I played the Duke card, they left pissed. No wonder my dad got away with mum's abuse," Arwyn said, suddenly looking rather glum.

"Come on, Edvin texted me to say he'd put some bun dough on last night. So jump in the shower quick, put on some normal clothes, and let's go," Seb said, handing us our clothes.

"And Caelie? How was it with a woman?" he asked curiously. "Fine. It was a nice evening.", I replied, continuing to be slightly embarrassed. I picked up my mobile phone and saved Lou's number.

After our quick showers, we each had another cigarette outside Arwyn's car before buying energy drinks and driving to my family's house, where my parents greeted us happily.

"You guys look pretty beat," my mum said, looking worriedly at Arwyn in particular, who did indeed look pretty tired. "Everything's fine. Just had a tiring evening." "Do I want to ask for details?" "Absolutely not.", Sebastian replied with a laugh as Arwyn looked very embarrassed again.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now