35th Chapter - Accompaniment

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In the evening, I was finally allowed to get dressed again. The dress looked fantastic and was fastened so high that it half hid my choker.

"As beautiful as you are naked, seeing you in such nice clothes has its charm too," Arwyn said and took my hand, "Oh, and your two men want to know if you're still alive. I'll show them how fantastic you look today," he said pulling me towards a large mirror.

"I have a question. When Sebastian tried to persuade me to come along voluntarily, he said there must be a lot of money involved. Did you give them both money?" "I offered it when I assumed they would refuse my request to see you, yes. But neither of them wanted the money. Now smile." he said and stood behind me.

He put his hands on my waist while kissing my neck. I took a picture of it because it looked really nice, before I took a small step forward.

"I can't send that to the two," I giggled a little. "It's hard to hold me back. You'd better hurry.", he said, standing next to me, putting an arm around me and smiling kindly.

No sooner had the photo been taken than he turned back to me, burying his face against my neck again.

It was a really beautiful picture, but I could feel myself hesitating to send it to Sebastian and Garreth, so I just wrote to both of them that everything was fine. Because even though I loved them both as much as before, I was worried that my feelings for Arwyn would affect our relationship.

It took a moment before he stood up again. He took my hand and walked me all the way down the house and even further into the cellar.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, a little irritated. "We're going to the underground car park." "Without a chauffeur?" "Yeah, that was just for the kidnapping. I usually drive myself." said Arwyn laughing, "Paul was only kind enough to pretend to be a chauffeur. From my family, and I count him as such of course, no one addresses me as Sir either. The employees do, but only because my father's old employment contract says so. I myself don't care. I know I was damn lucky where and when I was born. That's not an achievement."

"I like your attitude about it." "Thanks. I know I'm probably pretty spoiled anyway, but I don't know any different. I grew up that way, and my father was very keen to bring me up in the old style as much as possible, but I was never like I thought I was overly special. But for example, like in the restaurant, you definitely see that they treat me differently. I think that's nice too, but it's always a bit embarrassing too." "And then you drag me there?" "Yes. I want them all to see that for once a lady can stand being with me for more than 12 hours," he said with a laugh and opened my car door.

I sat down in the black cabriolet with a folding roof and Arwyn got into the driver's seat. The car was definitely nice, but not too ostentatious.

"Lovely car.", I said and grinned at him as he leaned in to give me a kiss, "Thank you, lovely lady."

Together we drove out through a tunnel and came out a little away from the castle on the surface of the earth.

We drove into a small town, or rather village, where Arwyn parked in front of the restaurant.

"There's a lot of rich snobs in here trying to crawl deep up my arse. But the food here, it's worth enduring." "Aren't you a rich snob too?" "Yeah, but that was naughty." he said, giving me a loud and thoroughly painful slap on the bum. "And don't be surprised, I'll lie a lot. I don't like too much truth in the gossip press. And try to behave yourself. The best thing to do, as long as any of the rich people are talking at us, is just not to talk at all."

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now