59th Chapter - Questions

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"If this would be the future, then it would be perfect," Anne said and continued to wipe the tears from her face. "It's just going to be hard to explain why so many people live here together, but to explain that is your problem," Sebastian said, taking Anne's hand.

"Anne, Ominis and I were talking the other day because you can sleep at home again soon. My flat is becoming available. If you want, you can both move in there. I can leave a lot of the furniture inside for you, and then you'll only live a few metres away," Sebastian said with a smile as Anne began to cry even more.

"That would be wonderful, Seb, but I don't want you two to fight again if you see each other more often." "That won't happen. Ominis and I have made peace." "In spite of everything?" "Yes, Anne. In spite of everything." said Ominis, taking Anne's other hand.

"That's wonderful. Seb, I'm also really sorry I hurt you so much too," Anne said softly. "It's all right, you couldn't help the way you felt any more than Ominis could, or even me. And the fact that you didn't tell me, but that I had to catch you, is just what I'm learning to forgive, just as Ominis is trying to forgive what I did."

"Do I want to know what this is about?" asked Rhys quietly of Garreth, yet loud enough for us all to hear, which he was visibly embarrassed about.

"No, Rhys. Maybe we'll talk about it another time, but right now I don't like to tell someone," Sebastian said, his face clearly flushed.

"All three of us, without exception, have made mistakes we regret. That's all you need to know," Anne said and smiled at Rhys before turning to Sebastian, "That our tastes are so similar is remarkable and creepy at the same time," she said softly and began to giggle, "Well, but this young man wouldn't touch you, he's into massive dicks," Sebastian said with a laugh and put a hand on Rhys' thigh. But Rhy's expression became a little more gloomy, which Garreth also noticed.

I saw them both whispering to each other for a moment before Garreth stood up smiling and pulled Rhys behind him by his hand.

"Are you serious?" asked Sebastian, who really did look a little horrified that the two of them seemed to be about to fuck each other.

"Don't worry, won't be sex, we just need to get something," Garreth called back from the house.

Sebastian and I still looked at each other in irritation as the two went upstairs.

"Sometimes they're all strange," Sebastian said, still looking at the house before turning his attention back to Anne, "You can theoretically take over my flat in a few days. I'll take care of the contract then. I just have to clear the bedroom of all my perverted stuff and bring Asmodeus and Medusa and their terrarium here."

"Does the owner actually know? So that you are moving in here?", Anne asked irritated.

"Sure, he wants Caelie to move in here, and since he knows that Caelie only comes with us, he invited us all to live here." "That sounds very nice." "Yeah, Arwyn's a great guy, just a little snooty sometimes," I laughed.

"You do realise that getting married is going to make you Lady Fancypants, right?" "Seriously Seb?" "Yes, of course. You can't become Duchess without being made fun of by me, can you?""You're getting married?" asked Anne in surprise. Sebastian and I nodded happily, "And who?" "The young man Caelie was visiting just after New Year's Eve. Arwyn. He's Rhys' brother. And the Duke of Durham." "And you're all happy with that?" asked Anne, looking at her brother a little uncertainly, but Sebastian smiled and nodded, "Yes. I haven't been as happy as I am now since Mum and Dad died, even if it all sounds super weird."

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora