30th Chapter - Love

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"You said it.", I said in surprise as Sebastian's expression became visibly worried, "Seb, don't worry. It's not bad luck just because some guy took advantage of your feelings. Garreth and I love you too. And besides, you've said it several times already."

Sebastian looked irritated, while Garreth was now getting the upper hand a little, and mainly thrusting, while kissing Sebastian's neck and shoulders incessantly.

"When?" "When you were drunk and we picked you up. You said it out loud to Caelie, and added that she shouldn't tell me. She didn't. You just didn't whisper." "This is embarrassing." "No, Seb. That's cute." said Garreth, kissing him further, "But it's like Caelie says. We return your feelings. We won't laugh at you, or drop you. I'm not a person who believes in fate that much, but if there is such a thing as fate, it's our fate to be together."

Garreth slid back a little and stood up, "Seb, sit down in front here, please." he said, pointing to the edge of the bed. Irritated, Sebastian raised an eyebrow but sat down where he wanted. Garreth pulled me to my feet, and guided my head towards Sebastian as he began to slowly push himself into my ass.

I started giving Sebastian a blowjob while Garreth fucked my ass and kissed Sebastian.

"I'd scream it out to the world too.", Garreth said and I could hear his mouth forming a smile, "But as much as I understand your concern, I can only assure you that I mean it exactly as I say it when I say I love you. And I swear that to you, here and now, on everything that matters to me in life."

"You and Caelie have become my life's meaning in such a short time," Sebastian said quietly to Garreth, "While I know you'd still have each other if I were suddenly gone, I feel like the three of us are just the happiest together. And you give me so much love, which I am desperate to give back to you. I'm sorry I'm such a fool sometimes."

"That's okay. We love you anyway.", I said as I just put my head up. "This is manly man talk between manly men! You're supposed to be working, not talking, bitch!" said Garreth in a played angry voice before he started laughing out loud.

We took our time and ended this time just as lovingly as the two of them began it.

When we got back to the living room, Zosma and Rhea were snuggled up to Helia, lying on a blanket on the snake terrarium. "Ha! I told you cats would love that spot," Sebastian said, rejoicing.

"We're parents now. How does that make you feel?" asked Garreth, throwing himself on the sofa.

"It's wonderful." laughed Sebastian, "But that's a good topic. Do you guys want kids someday?" "Kind of, but the thought that the kid might then get beat up at school just like we got is a hard deterrent," Garreth said quietly.

"I can understand that. I don't know if I want it either. How about you, Caelie?" "I don't know." "It's nice that we all know exactly what we want in life," Sebastian said with a laugh, snuggling up to Garreth, who had already hooked up a console to Sebastian's TV and was now starting to play games. I used to love watching him do it and just snuggled up to him, and Sebastian just grabbed his laptop and rested his head on Garreth's left thigh.

"We should have bought food," Garreth remarked when it was too late to go shopping, so Sebastian ordered burgers for us.

The rest of the evening passed quite quickly and so did the next day, when we did some more cleaning and painted a few walls a lighter shade.

On the last day before we left, 29 Dec, Dad and Garreth locked themselves in the kitchen for hours preparing a beautiful cake.

Mum, Ellie and I meanwhile tried to distract Sebastian as much as possible by taking him to the old flat a lot or going for a long walk. I didn't know if Sebastian had seen through our distraction, but at least he didn't even try to go into the kitchen.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now