51st Chapter - Half

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Arwyn was the half-brother of the three Weasley children. And suddenly it made sense why he and Jennie got along so well straight away.

Garreth and Arwyn were still in each other's arms, crying, while Rhys and Sebastian, like me, were just speechless.

After a while, the two broke away from their embrace.

"Fuck, I wish I'd known that before I fucked you in the ass," Arwyn said, sitting down on his desk chair.

"That was just sex, that's not too bad. Fuck dude, I've got feelings for you since you moved here," Garreth said and sat down on the window sill.

"I wonder if Dad knows," Garreth said quietly. "Probably, because their wedding couldn't have been that late. You were born in August '95. So your mum was pregnant sometime from October '94. And just before my third birthday, which was in October '94, she left us. At least that's what Dad told me," Arwyn replied without lifting his head, which rested on his hands.

"What do we do now?" asked Garreth, looking at Arwyn, "I don't know." "Shall we go to Devon?" "Yes. I think that makes sense. Caelie, can you come with us, please?" "Sure."

"Rhys and I will stay here and look after the cats," Sebastian said, looking at us worriedly, "But please drive carefully." "Of course, Seb."

In a rush we gathered our things, changed and got into the car. With the roof down, such a drive was quite pleasant, even if Arwyn was clearly going faster than was allowed, but clearly, a speeding ticket wouldn't bother him.

With loud, booming industrial rock, we drove further and further south. Arwyn was visibly nervous and ran his fingers through his hair unusually often.

"Wouldn't you rather we swap places? I'm worried you'll pass out during the drive." "We can swap places at the next rest stop if you like."

"And I'll call home. Afraid we'll catch my parents doing things tonight that I don't want to see," I said and dialled Dad's number.

After just under 7 hours we reached Ottery St Mary. It was now just after 6pm, making it the best time to catch the Weasleys at home.

Garreth drove to his parents' house.

"I don't have a key anymore, so I'll ring the bell and if anyone speaks, just say you're the postman," Garreth said, taking Arwyn's hand, "I have no idea what is about to happen, but we are there for each other. But without intimacy. I can't do that."

Arwyn nodded and opened the car door. We all got out and rang the bell. Arwyn pretended to be the postman and wordlessly we entered the stairwell.

When we reached the first floor, Yvain looked at us in surprise, "What are you doing here?" he asked, taking Garreth in his arms.

"Dad? Is Mum here?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, she's in the bathroom right now," Yvain asked, "Gary, if your mother sees you she's going to freak out again. What are you doing here? Do you need anything? A document? Money? Help?" "Answers." "To what?" "Where she's been for the last twenty years," Arwyn said quietly as Yvain's eyes widened.

"Of course, you're little Henny. My, you've grown up, haven't you?" said Dad, smiling a little wistfully.

"Henny?" asked Garreth, irritated. "Yes, he couldn't pronounce Henry, and always just said Henny," said Yvain, unable to stifle a brief broad grin.

"But how do you know each other?" he continued to ask, now looking irritated again, when suddenly Jennie appeared behind Yvain and greeted us and especially Arwyn joyfully, who now started to cry again, which confused Jennie quite a bit.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now