22nd chapter - Weasleys

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"But you're not angry with me for giving him a taste of his own medicine, are you?" Sebastian asked me as we continued walking towards Garreth's family.

"No. Of course not. But I felt uncomfortable around you for the first time. Somehow you radiated such a coldness." "I know what Caelie means, but I found it quite.... arousing.", Garreth said and couldn't help a small laugh.

"Caelie. Please believe me, I would never do something like that to you. Or Garreth. Not even with Ominis and I really don't like him. But that guy in particular has traumatised you so much. It hurts me to see you wake up crying over and over again at night. So I just had to take the chance to scare him a little," Sebastian said and put his warm hands on my cold cheeks.

"Are you alright? Would you like me to leave you alone for a bit?" "No. It's fine." "If you need distance, you tell me," Sebastian said, looking deep into my eyes.

Now his beautiful brown eyes were once again radiating the warmth I loved about him. I moved my head forward and kissed his soft, pink lips. Suddenly he grinned broadly, grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up as he continued to smile steadily at me. Garreth was standing behind me, so I put my hand on his cheek and pulled his face to mine for a kiss.

"You two are really special. You're wonderful," I said softly. "But come on, we should keep going. Helia's waiting." "Who's Helia?" asked Sebastian, irritated. "My cat!" Garreth said happily.

We kept walking and a short while later we were standing in front of the Weasleys' house. We all looked at each other, fixed our hair and clothes, and then Garreth unlocked the door.

"Yoo-hoo." he shouted happily through the door, as Helia and Jennie came running in immediately, and Garreth first put Helia on his shoulder, and greeted Jennie.

"Aren't Mum and Dad here?" "Yes they are, they're in the kitchen. It's good to have you home, Gary," Jennie said, grinning widely.

"Gary? Like Spongebob's snail?" "Yes. Exactly." "Meow." "Shut the fuck up, Seb." said Garreth laughing and taking off his shoes.

With Helia continuing to lie on his shoulder and purring loudly, Garreth walked ahead through the Weasleys' flat.

He opened the door to the kitchen, and greeted his parents cheerfully from the hallway.

"GARRETH, YOU ARE NOT GODDAMN SERIOUS!" yelled Garreth's mother Gwen all at once, and a second later, a slipper missed his head.

"THANK YOU MOTHER! I'M ENJOYING BEING HERE AGAIN!", Garreth shouted back and threw the door shut, "Fine, go to my room then. No point. I don't even know why I came back here either. So apart from Helia and Jennie."

"Why don't you take Helia with us to Inverness?" "I didn't want to put her through the strain of the car ride, and besides, she would probably get bored with us. And besides, we won't have any freedom where we sleep." "That's true, but we can just see how everything goes over the next few months and then the three of us can decide which flat we prefer. Then we can look for a cat friend for Helia, and then she'll never be lonely," Sebastian said, sounding a little embarrassed by this proposal.

"That's true. And basically, we already live together anyway. We might as well make it official then," Garreth said, as the door suddenly opened.

"Get that fucking thing out of your nose or I'll rip it out of there. All that's missing is you tattooing yourself all over so you walk around like the ultimate homeless junkie," Gwen scolded before she looked over. When she saw Sebastian sitting looking irritated on Garreth's bed with his shirt sleeves rolled up, as he so often did in our presence, she turned as white as a sheet and Garreth's father Yvain turned bright red while Jennie and Hector tried to greet us.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now