64th Chapter - Back

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"Sebastian's wish?" "Yes. He quickly figured out my true nature and we had quite a bit of written contact before I moved. And that's when he said I'm always welcome to cry on his shoulder, or Garreth's, but I should try to offer you the emotional stability and security that neither he nor Garreth can provide."

"But I'm not a little girl who needs Mum and Dad to be good role models," I said in a slightly irritated tone, which caused Arwyn to give me an uncertain look, "Don't worry. Everything's cool with both of us, but I'm going to kick Sebastian's ass," I said laughing and taking Arwyn's hand.

"Don't do that. He loves you. That wasn't an act of something bad. That was love and some desperation... but mostly love." "I know... But Seb's talent at seeing through minds is remarkable. Now I wonder if I shouldn't study something else instead." "Do whatever makes you happy. Does studying psychology make you happy?" "Not really, but I want to help other people."

"I will help people, too, after all. And give them a good time when they listen to my music. You can help in many ways. Maybe it's your destiny to help them before they're as broken as you are." "Do you mean working in a school?" "Yes, for example. But I think there are many opportunities there. Why don't you talk to your family and others at home?"

"I will, but can we get back to your phone conversation?", I asked cautiously, to which Arwyn nodded, "I'm sorry.", I said quietly, looking deep into his grey eyes.

"You don't have to apologise for that. Oliver has known me for a long time. It hurts that he doesn't support me, but I don't need him. I expected some initial scepticism, since we haven't known each other for very long and I wouldn't have been angry with anyone for that alone, but for one thing he insulted you, and for another he doesn't trust me to assess the situation myself. And I know that you are not after my money or my title. At the most, you're after my cock, but I can't blame you for that," Arwyn said laughing and hugging me tightly.

"But seriously, please don't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault. You're just there, not forcing me to do anything, Caelie. But you're my top priority. And even weddings of people who haven't been together long can last. After all, my mum and Yvain got married very quickly and they still are to this day. A marriage can always break up. No matter how long you've known each other. But we shouldn't let it spoil our holiday now," Arwyn said, before giving me a loving kiss and smiling.

"We have Vatican museums on the schedule today, so let's go. Let's have breakfast." he said cheerfully, combing his hair.

But I couldn't get the conversation out of my mind. I didn't want anything in Arwyn's life to change for the worse. Not because of me.

Arwyn noticed that something was bothering me and stopped briefly at a small park after breakfast, and took off his helmet.

"Darling, don't let this jerk spoil your mood," Arwyn said as he took off my helmet, "This is our first holiday together. We're in Italy. In Rome. In a wonderful city with an impressive history. Let's enjoy the last hours here completely. Tomorrow we're going home again. Do you want to have something for once that will definitely put you in a better mood?" he asked me with a mischievous smile.

I nodded slightly as Arwyn handed me a capsule. "Try to only take half or you'll be too hyper to concentrate," he said quietly, pulling me into a hug to give me some privacy. I opened the capsule and sniffed half.

I handed the half-full capsule back to Arwyn and gave him a kiss. He handed me a cigarette and after a short while I felt my mood rise.

"Better?" "Better." "Very good. I don't want anyone to make you sad, because you make me so outrageously happy." "Then why are you carrying around hard drugs?" "Because I love fucking you completely high over and over again." "That makes two of us." "Very good. Then I would suggest we have another round at the hotel tonight." "That sounds excellent, handsome." "Then we'll have a nice date tonight. We'll have to look for a drugstore then, though."

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now