Chapter 1| The Melancholy

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Anisha's POV

You know, there is a moment in life when your life feels like a movie, and all of a sudden you begin to hear an imaginary pensive orchestral sound playing in your head, garnishing your melancholy and providing a clear space for you to sadly wallow in self-pity and mediocrity.

This is exactly how I am feeling right now, staring at my body in the mirror, my hand gently traveling around, caressing every mark on my skin. Every scar has a different story to tell, deep cuts, bruises, and scratches all over. My hand landed on the scar laid on my lap, this one; he stabbed me with a screwdriver, cos why not? I was three minutes late before presenting his pancake on the table one faithful morning.

It has been a week since he laid a hand on me, that's the longest I have ever gone without him finding a way to harass me.

I haven't told him about the baby yet, I don't know where to start though he will find out soon, Dr Mas'ud would tell him, that they are very close with each, hell they are even family friends, I just pray that he won't tell Hajiya first, else I am finished.

It seems like the choice is mine to make but I can't seem to choose between the wrath of facing him with this great information or letting him find out from Dr Mas'ud, if Hajiya finds out before him, then no doubt I will be on my way to Kaduna without a second thought, again this is a grave decision I can't dream of attempting not even in a mere joke.

But, I guess this isn't the case for now, the major war I should have been concerned about is Sabrina, She will be on her way tomorrow and here I am barely recognizing myself in the mirror, bruises all over, limping unavoidably and Sabrina isn't the one to keep shut, Hell this whole thing is getting out of hand and I don't know from where to start, should I tell her that I slipped in the bathroom or what? damn, she is not a child, Sabrina is 18 and she is way much smarter for her good.

I GOT IN AN ACCIDENT! yes!! This one will serve for now, Sabrina is staying with us for the next 3 months, and the only way she won't find out what's going on between Mukhtar and me is if he behaves himself for the period she is staying here, which I am 95% sure he can't. Rubina isn't a problem, the girl always keeps her promises.

Oh my God! Talking about Rubina, it's time to pick her up from school, It's almost 1:30, and I am thirty minutes late. I just hope she
didn't cry her eyes out, my poor baby.

I got ready in a jiffy, ignoring the pain I was feeling under my belly, There was nothing new, I had been used to it for years now, but unfortunately, today has a new form of presenting itself. When I reached the parking lot of the huge compound of the house, I felt something crawling down under my dress along with an unbearable pain in my lower abdomen, It took every inch of my control not to shout, and my eyes began to search for Malam Hamza the house driver but was nowhere to be found.

I began to lose strength because the pain kept amplifying over the winks. Blood began to drip on my leg and that was when I decided I would take the risk. I managed to get into the car and drive myself to the hospital, Rubina could wait but I knew the moment it clicked two o'clock without anyone picking her up, the school bus would drop her at home and Jennifer would also arrive by two o'clock.

It was a relief to remember that. The drive to the hospital was rough and risky, my sight kept blurring out to the extent that I almost hit two different cars. Finally, I arrived at Green-city Hospital Abuja. By then my entire clothes were almost soaked with blood, I managed to get out of the car and that was the only event I was able to remember, I dozed out completely.

One hour later

The moment my eyes opened, I couldn't recognize where I was for a moment. I was laid on a hospital bed in a place that seemed to be a doctor's office. The clock facing says the time is four O'clock in the evening. My bad Rubina, I hope she gets home on time. What if the school decides to call Mukhtar? At the thought of the nightmare, I impulsively jolted out of the bed. My head was heavy as a rock, the sudden reckless action caused me a merciless dizziness that I almost threw up.

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