Chapter 10| Nadeera Khaled

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Sabrina's POV

“Where have you been?! And who is this guy you manage to have your faces busy trending on Instagram?! Anisha thunderstorm the moment I passed the kitchen taking the route to my room. She was sitting on the dining table from behind.

Wow! She looks wild and dangerous.  For the second time on the second day. God have mercy upon me. God knows I don't have the strength, I am tired already.

I stopped and then decided to walk away, I knew she would follow me, that's what I wanted. The moment I entered my room she barged in vehemently.

“Did you not hear me Sabrina?! What is this rude behavior for?! Why do you always have to make me talk?! Huh!

“Must you talk then?! Anisha wai ke dan Allah bakya gajiya ne! Regardless of who is there and who is watching you would shout and say everything in front of everyone, what is wrong with you?  Sarah and the other girls were in the kitchen, on my way in I saw Rubina with someone in the living room, but you wanted me to answer you back so that you could yell at me, why?! 

“Stop drizzling blame on me and talk to me!

“What do you want me to say, Anisha, yes I left, but I left a note for you on the chase of the drawer, with everything you needed to know inside, but you were so mad to see it right? Sabrina was out and it began to count to the end of the world. Of course, I was out, I should be out because I was supposed to be out, this house sucks, and I need some air to breathe well, and if I should find you and tell you that I was leaving, where did you think I should go first, where did you show me in this house, who did you introduce me to among your workers? You are just too blinded by your misery to consider all this, all you think is that Sabrina is wrong we should shoot her, Haba!  Are you sure this is all about me Ya Anisha?

“Cut the cackle and go straight to the point Sabrina! Where did you go? And why are you not picking up my calls?

“I went to the park, the garden in this area, that was where I was Anisha, please leave me alone!

“No won't tell me now who is that dude you posted your pictures with?! She threw both hands in the air.

“He is not that dude, his name is AbdulMajeed and he is my friend, a photographer! I coincidentally met him yesterday when your torment and endless insults pushed me out of the house, we snapped pictures together, and we posted, and it turned into a whole meal for those who know and appreciate what we do.” I explained dropping my things.

“Appreciating you my foot Sabrina! What if Baba sees it, what if the whole family comes across this? This is shameful and unethical but you are shameless enough to not see it! What do you think people will say about you, even the ones that were busy hailing were just fooling you! Will they be happy if they come across their daughter's picture and a random stranger trending on the gram, just because they lack common sense and analysis doesn't mean we will not speak senses into your blank skull young lady! You...

“Enough of these insults Anisha, I am done with you! Just because I act like I don't care doesn't mean I don't feel it, I am not a stone, and if anyone is to be blamed then it should be you because you were the one who troubled me enough to be out in less than two hours of my arrival, had it been you had treated me nice and learn to let things slide to address it at the right time then all this wouldn't have happened, but I couldn't thank you enough,  you are the best.” Her chest was heaving as if she would explore any moment from now. This woman is crazy she needs a therapist.

“I can see Sabrina, I was the one at fault, wasn't I  the one who took the pictures of you guys? She replied sarcastically.

“Just because you don't have your hand on the gun doesn't me you pull the trigger! I retaliated, my anger was consuming me and I didn't like it.

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