Chapter 48| Who Is She

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Anisha's POV

I was more than shocked yet impressed when I entered the park, the event planner they hired was top-notch, and everything was professionally organized as if it had been there since the start of the world. I knew it was Sabrina who sent Rubina to bring me the dress, she knew that I could not ignore the girl especially when I saw her happy and ready. What a good kick!

I was happy and maintaining my space until Miss Satanic and Mrs Demonic arrived. I did not know who invited them or how they found out about the event and the venue until remembered that Amna Jalila’s daughter is in the same school as Rubina, so one thing led to another, and she found out. Seeing her with Ummi was what scared me the most, what are these girls planning to do? There was a huge friction between Jalila and me the last time she came to my house so she deliberately brought Ummi to this event for vengeance in her way.

I missed the cutting of the first cake talking with them out of the throng, to my surprise Jalila wasn't fighting or threatening me she was even encouraging me to do something that would help me retain my husband, to figure out where the threat lay is for the wise, Ummi's presence! The bitch!

The New Year ball that is constantly taking place at M.A Wazeeri Investment is cooking up soon and this time around it is a congregational celebration as they are signing partnerships with three International enterprises, the first one is Mr. Fernandez FRD in California, then Tom drew in Adis Ababa and TeensXT in Sudan. It's a grand celebration and they are encouraging me to be there for him and for myself, to stand and claim my position instead of letting Nadeera be by his side on that day. There is much to think about this, their motive and my gain.

We left Sabrina at the event center to see the event planners off but it is almost three hours now and she is not back, I was able to wait for her in the downstairs parlor because Mukhtar and Nadeera are not in town today, they traveled to only God knows where. I called her but all she was able to say was I will be at home as soon as possible something was wrong, I got it from her tone, whatever it is I hope it is not Mr right that went after her for a payback. Because I saw how they were both over each other, the way he was looking at her was something else.

Rubina waited for her to unwrap the gifts she got from her friend until she fell asleep on the couch, it was after Sarah took her to her room that Sabrina walked into the house crying, her makeup smudged and her clothes stained with sand.

Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi raisin! Ya Allah! Please don't let it be what I am expecting, Sabrina does not deserve such kind of experience in life, it will traumatize her. She was walking as if she was shaded in the eye while I approached her hastily, sending a silent prayer.

“Sabrina, are you okay? What is wrong with you? I asked hysterically and she started crying, “Talk Sabrina! What is it?! I shake by the shoulder. “Did he do anything for you? Were you harassed? I asked getting more confused before she pushed me away from her.

“For how long will you keep thinking of him as a bad person Anisha?! He just makes your daughter the happiest girl in the world but here you are relating him to the dirtiest act in the world! She yelled, well, she is right but that was what came into my mind.

“Fine, I am sorry, what is it, Sabrina? You are scaring me, tell me please, but come, let's sit down first. I said holding her hands and walking her into the living room. I offered her a glass of water which she gulped down instantly, I let her cool down for a while before speaking again.

“Now please tell me, Sabrina, what is going with you?

“I was attacked, with... With an acid,” She said, fighting back her tears, “Someone almost burned my face today, Anisha, what did I ever do to anyone? She cried. My heart almost stopped for a while, Acid? Who is that? And why would anyone ever do that?

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