Chapter 63| War and Battle!

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Sabrina's POV

At this point, if I were Mama and Baba, I would allow Anisha to calm down before imposing any thoughts and mentality into her head, but their ego will not allow them, especially Baba, he is just destroying the remaining respect and prestige she has for him, in as much as Anisha meant what she said, I also know that Baba will not let his weapons down, for the sake of ego and pride.

Anisha is a person who never talked to twice by Baba, it was always Yes, Okay, it is done, but today she was standing up in him, exchanging words, please who caused this, to say this broke my heart was an understatement, he threw away his dignity. And Mama on the other hand was the master of every hypocrisy and double standard, at this point, I have begun to think like Anisha, I doubt if this person is our parents because true parents will never act this way with their kids. This is exactly what she was afraid of and right now they are doing nothing but proving her right.

Baba got back to the coach and slumped down digesting everything that she had said, Mama was standing behind the coach Aunt Saudah was sitting while Anisha was staring in the middle of the living room, I was sitting on my knees next to her.

“Anisha, for the past 23 years of your life,  there was never a ‘NO’ moment between us, you are always obeying my rules, and my terms and conditions were your priority but today, you stood on your feet and blinded your eyes, exchanging words with me nonstop just because I am foreseeing it for you and your daughter...

“It was caused by your lack of appreciation and sympathy Baba if I have been obeying you for the past 23 years without a single ‘No’ then doesn't I deserve leniency and a listening ear from you, doesn't I deserve a chance from you? If anyone deserves all this in your family then it is no one but me because I never fail you in anything, this man is going to kill me, I have said it time without numbers, I am sure this is not the first you are hearing this, and even if it is the first time of you hearing I will like to think that I have given enough reason to stand by me as a parent but you said I gave you no reason for doing that, so tell me what reason do you want to present to you more? My corpse or what?

“I should better receive your corpse from your husband's house than for you to come here and burden me? You will cause nothing to this family other than a pointed finger! Just take a look at your Aunties and your mother, Haseena has been married for the past thirty-five years, Salmah has been married for twenty-eight years, Saudah here has been in her husband for thirty years likewise me and your mother, you were not the first child of this house it was Mubarak but Allah took him away the year you were born, but we didn't even call you bad luck, we embrace you and gave you all the necessary things until we married you off to one of the most prestigious families in Africa and here you are accusing their some for no absolute reason, what? I have known the late Alhaji Abdul Samad Wazeeri for the past forty-five years and I know that there is no way his son will do all that you are blabbering and even if he beats, he must have his reasons, he is your husband, he owned you he will do whatever he wants with you, you don't have the right to come here and now that you are here without his permission I want you to know that the angels are cursing you until the day you go back! He proclaimed.

“Ah toh! You should better tell her because I have begun to doubt this girl's mental soundness, I have never thought that for a day Anisha would act like this toward anyone but she is yelling back at her father, Wallahi you have put us to shame, now what do you want us to tell the people that coming tomorrow? You chose the most critical moment to play stupid, Kai Subhanallahi,” Said Aunt Saudah, the way Anisha was looking at was daring, I doubt if this woman did not close her mouth she hears what her entire generation will not forget in a lifetime.

“Stand up and go back to where you come from and stop poking your nose in what you are not invited to, this is a family business, and you are free to excuse us! She coldly ordered,” Aunt Saudah and Mama's mouths hung open, Jama'a who is this?! Anisha? Is this you?  She has changed into something else like a chameleon, she looks unrecognizable to me let alone to Mama and her team, how I wish Aunt Haseena was here to receive her share.

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