Chapter 52| Secrets, Unfortunately

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Sabrina's POV

For the past fifteen minutes, I have been looking for MJ but he was out of sight, I called him but he wasn't picking up, and when I asked one of his boys he said that he saw going upstairs. I waited for a bit but he was still unavailable so I decided to go up and look for him. Maybe something is wrong and he is not talking about it.

I walked upstairs and began looking for him by the sides of the rooms but he was not there, I looked around a little bit longer but still, he was out of sight. I decided to go further and hand around a little bit.

The hushing sounds of some voices got my attention when I was walking by a room and my curiosity walked me back to the slightly open door, I pulled up my face mask and pushed the door narrowly, and there goes the team! It was Nadeera, Mukhtar, Mr. Fernandez, and another man, whom I didn't know, they were all holding files and talking, the conversation seemed intense, so I had to place my ears to the door to hear them well.

“How many did you see there? I heard Mukhtar’s voice.

“58 women and 21 men,” Came Mr Fernandez's voice.

“That's what is down for now,” Says Nadeera.

“I am not taking this dude! This is not the agreement, there would be sixty women and forty men, making a total of a hundred and here you are presenting eighty-nine! This is unacceptable! He yelled at them, what is this discussion all about? Men and women, what is going on?

“For goodness Mr. Fernandez this is not an easy job, finding women in this era is not as easy as before, there is too much awareness in villages, they are afraid, and only a few are willing to take the risk of crossing the border, likewise the men, fooling them is not as easy as before, most of them are aware that there is no job for who doesn't go to school in Nigeria, let alone outside countries and if you pressed, someone will end up calling the police and before you know it, you are traced, this is something that we have to play our cards smart if we are willing to do!” Nadeera yelled back.

“Calm down guys, this fee difference should not be the reason we should be yelling at each other, we can resolve this issue like the civilized people that we are,” Says Mukhtar.

“Nothing looks like civilization here, it was a simple assignment and you have failed to do that, this is something that is done by smart people and I trust you with it but...

“There is no ‘But’ in this situation Mr. Fernandez, life is unlike then and NGOs are more likely to be found in every nook and cranny of any village, not even the one you think they never see a car, our agents are trying, and we did all that we, if there is a huge lost on your part, then we can share it, half of my company is now base of that, it is only half that function base on the real business and even the money that goes out is from the clean sources so there is no loopholes,” Says Mukhtar.

“It's fine then, I hope all of the ladies are virgins. He asked.

“It will be a shame if an unmarried lady from a village is found loose, they are all virgins, you have no problem with that,” She assured! This is it! Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi rajiun! Mukhtar is a human trafficker! They are into the human trafficking black market! What?! Did Anisha know this? Is holding this still part of the perks of being a good wife or she is not aware? Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi raji'in!

“And the men, are you sure they are healthy? Can they survive with one kidney? Asked Mr. Fernandez. What the heck did I just hear?! Not just trafficking they are into Organ trade! Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi rajiun! I need to leave this place before I fall unconscious due to this sudden-heard catastrophic news that is swirling in my head and attacking my sanity in the most torturous way. I came here looking for MJ and I heard what had almost crashed my existence.

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