Chapter 8| Divulged

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Anisha’s POV

“But that was because Anisha hid it away from them! She didn't tell them on time until she foolishly collapsed in the middle of a hospital, how do you think they would feel?! First and foremost they are one the richest and most influential people in Africa, secondly, the media are ubiquitous, How do you think they felt after finding out in such a way?! Just because you stamped them rich and arrogant doesn't mean anything because they also have a perspective to be viewed from.” Aunt Saudah broke the egg. I almost hung up and rushed out in a hurry but I decided to compose myself.

“If she told you these then believe me none of these happened, Anisha got into an accident.” She claimed a bit suspicious.

“It's obvious you didn't even know what was going on before you proceeded to rain insults on an elderly woman, Anisha confessed it herself! Aunt Saudah yelled. I am finished! The feeling of being caught in between was even more terrible than what Hajiya did in the morning. Sabrina was completely out of it, shocked, and thoughtful. When she finally looked at me, I could see in her eyes, she was patching and fixing the loose parts in her head.

“Well, I think you guys should talk with Anisha again because both Hajiya and I were told a different story from what I just heard from you now,” she declared, her eyes still on me, with the most unreadable expression.

“What do you mean?! Aunt Saudah asked,

“Behave like real mothers for once, talk to her because I believe there is more to this miscarriage and the abortion subject.” She said. Yes detect Sabrina, of course, there is more that you will never hear.

“There is nothing like there is more to this story Sabrina! You did the wrong thing and now you are trying to outsmart us by making it look like a misconception?! You are diminutive! And ludicrously senseless .” Mama yelled.

“Mama let her be, At least you guys tried, it's let for her to decide what to do with her life,” I said, trying to find a midpoint as soon as possible.

“What are you saying my poor Anisha? You have no idea what this girl right next to you is capable of doing, and that is why you are insisting on making it up to the circumstance otherwise you won’t dare.” Said Mama, and for the first time in their life, Sabrina was silent, she looked hurt and distraught but calm and quiet.

“I will handle it, Mama, just let it be for now, I will call you when something arises, if anything but I hope not so.” I hurriedly conveyed not longer keen to prolong the case anymore.

“Take care, Anisha, I will call you later or tomorrow, We need to do a proper lecture on how to handle this girl.”  Said Aunt Saudah. With that, we called it a day and hung up. Sabrina was still quiet and hurt to the extent that I felt covered with a wrap of guilt.

“Sabrina, no one is doing this to you because you are a scapegoat, sometimes it is you and what you are doing that causes it,” I said out of guilt and not knowing what to say.

“You lied Ya Anisha and you are still lying.” She said maintaining her fixed hurtful red eyes in mine.

“What are you saying, Sabrina? For once in your life, ignore what inspires you to unleash words that cause pointless drama! I warned.

“There is no way to escape this, Anisha you lied, and it will soon come out, whatever you are hiding.” She claimed and my heart sank in fear.

“You are delusional Sabrina,” I said confidently.

“I am not the 14-year-old you left at home, Anisha. I am no longer a child, I know it when things aren't normal, and I can differentiate between hinders and complications.” She threatened.  That's my greatest fear in life and I walked her right through it.

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