Chapter 13| From Frying Pan...

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Sabrina's POV

For the last ten minutes, I was standing battling with him and Anisha who was asking me to go away. But I won't until I save you, Anisha, you are my sister.

Standing here and arguing with this animal in the human skin of a man as he continues to abuse her won't bring a solution to this. So I decided to use my brain in the most manipulative way.

“Listen to me, Mukhtar. You can't manipulate the police when they arrive here and catch you red-handed in the act, you better open the door now, or you sleep in jail tonight, and before you decide to act stubborn let me remind you of this. Your name, your reputation, and your family matter a lot, I hope you can make a wise choice now...

There was a long silence in the room before I heard the door opening and Anisha's voice asking me to leave. The moment the was opened he tried to grab me into the room but I had a better plan because I didn't miss the chance to hit one of his hands with the pestle in the most aggressive way that I am sure would cause a dislocation if not a breakage. I can't believe I did this to him but so what?! He deserves more than that, no one will treat my sister like this and have it nice but nasty! This is a promise by me and for me.

He growled painfully and attempted to grab me with his right hand but I attacked him again with the pestle this time I failed because he flinched and moved back in a wink.

“What are you doing Sabrina?! Anisha shouted shockingly. He was glaring at me like a hungry leopard. We were all suspicious of each other standing on our feet, Anisha who was standing behind him in blood and torn clothes was shaking her head at me, she was telling me not to come, but I couldn't leave her with this demonic nightmare of a man.

“What do you think you are doing you dirty little rat?! He grabbed my left hand tightly, deepening his thumb into my flesh, I kept resisting the hold but he was more than powerful enough to start with and secondly, he was aggravated and wicked.

“Compose yourself before I crack your skull on this wall! He roared at me until I felt the palpitation of his voice flourishing in every angle that fear had ever existed in my body.

“I will not! I retaliate with the same amount of wildness and determination. He shockingly scowled, looking at me as if he was forced to read Chinese words. Confused and flabbergasted.

“Mukhtar please, I am pleading with you, for the sake of God, we are sorry, I will go home and apologize to Hajiya again but please don't harm Sabrina she is just a child.” Anisha pleaded. Wow! Is that what this is all about? Wonderful!

“We are not sorry and it will happen again! Unless they did not come back here with such a distasteful attitude! I yelled and their eyes popped out of their holes. One in shock and the other in fear.

“What are you saying, Sabrina?! Anisha yelled at me.

“What did you just say? He inquired unbelievably, from the look of everything this man was not used to being challenged all these petty replies were sending him to the rim. He emphasizes his venomous hold on my hand and I emphasize mine on the pestle I was holding trying hard not to focus on the pain.

“You heard me clearly, We are not sorry and it will happen again unless they do not come back here and repeat what they did! I repeated. Without a word, he released my arm and motioned a heavy slap toward me, he almost caught me off guard but I was sharp enough to stop the mission by grabbing his huge hand and throwing it into the air powerfully.

I did not know where this energy initiated from but the adrenaline rush was on another level, his nose began to flare and his hand began to shiver. No doubt his left hand was injured cos he couldn't lift it anymore.

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