Chapter 35| Breather

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Sabrina's POV

"Welcome dear beautiful."
He sang when I arrived at his spot, today we were not in the garden but at the school park, as he came to visit me. It is a cloudy Saturday perfect for being cozy in a blanket and watching your favorite show while sipping your hot favorite tea flavor but who am I? It was just two weeks into everything but the University was already after my life, me that was used to premium soft life. Even though it was part of Anisha's reunion plan, she gave me one of her car keys, well I accepted because I was in need but nothing changed.

"Thank you dear handsome," I paid back as I sat across the table, facing him directly. It was funny seeing how he was blushing nonstop. He was wearing a set of black Kaftan with an Amina Rawaram cap beautifully perched on his head, I could see the way he was awesomely looking at me through his thick black shades. Well, the guy is a 10!

"How far, how was it going? The school I mean." He smiled, so MJ smiled.

"Not funny at all, it seems like the school is after my life," I replied taking a sip of the cold water he ordered before I came.

"Ayy, sorry for that, but at least you are studying what you are passionate about, it will be fun gradually." He uplifts my spirit a bit.

"I pray so but why did I see you alone? Where is she? I asked. MJ has promised to introduce his sister to me, he said she is a big fan of my work and always dreams of being my client someday, the day he told her we were friends, he had to send her away from his side of the house because of how she was excited and bombarding him with questions until he called me for her.

Farhana. She was a very lovely and funny girl, she called me yesterday reminding me that we are going to meet today and I should make it early, please. I was surprised that she wasn't here already.

"I gave her the wrong time." He shrugged and I scowled at him questionably. "Relax, I just want to spend time with you before the talkative is here."He laughed.

"Of course Ya Abdul Majeed right? The most just and nicest brother ever, well done to you." I shook my head unbelievably as he laughed.

"So what do you want us to do now that you misbehaved? I asked resting back.

"Well, one question Sabrina." He sat up curiously, he got me wondering what he was going to ask.

"Okay, I am all ears, what is your question? I sat up in anticipation.

"I knew you were a female photographer and sort, like most of the people you met and professionally mingle with are male, but also you have a life before photography, so don't you ever had a female friend like now or before? He asked, wow! What a question. Fully out of expectations.

"What a question MJ! We laughed.

"Well, I have had some before photography but after that, it was just me and my guys, then a few females in the job," I replied.

"So what happened with them, where are they? His curiosity was on another level.

"They are where they are and I am here with you." I winked at him making flash that so MJ smile.

"Well, to answer your question properly, I would have to go into details," I noted, and he nodded attentively. "Growing up, I was one sort of confident stubborn girl who everyone knew in the school, my curiosity was next-level and I had a very brilliant sister who always had an answer to my meaningful and rubbish questions, so I knew a lot of things, answers a lot of questions in class, so I became the teachers favorite. Being that and also the popularity makes me have a lot of friends and seniors that were baby-ing me.

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