Chapter 21| Time Flies...

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Anisha’s POV

Tears couldn't stop racing down my cheeks as I recalled the past and aligned it with the present. These products have something in common, I think of it the moment Jalila kept them in front of me.

Up to date, Mama is sending me these things and I keep putting them in the trash without a second thought and now it is what Jalila had in the store for a long time. Wallahi I am confused about everything, a part of me is telling me that this is the only way out because if I had used them from the beginning then all this wouldn't have happened, and the other is trying to be the old me, to agree with Sabrina.

I was once thinking like her, I once asked this question, why will I consume something and expect it to work on someone else? This is wrong I must say but telling Sabrina I agree with her is impossible, the way this girl is carrying herself... It's just annoying...

Jalila is coming next tomorrow and she is going with her things, for now, this is where I am subsiding because I can not lose my only hope of being happy, if what is going on now is wrong then Allah knows and he is seeing. He promised he would never burden a soul more than it could bear.

Even after taking that decision my conscious wasn't clear enough to not say that what Sabrina said about breaking her heart didn't pain in a hundredth ways, she is my sister no matter what.

Sabrina's POV
3 days later

For the past three days, we had been avoiding each other with Anisha, yesterday, I heard a choking sound in the middle of the night but I dared not to come out to avoid stories that touched the heart. That reckless woman was still hanging around, I saw her twice, and every time our eyes came in contact she had that cunning smirk for no reason, I knew she was targeting me but she had no idea of who Sabrina Tahir Ribado was, I promised that day she come taunting me would be the day of the greatest remorse in her life.

She will hear words she never assumed existed and if she comes physically I will make sure that I give her a mark of remembrance, I am not mate!

To my greatest surprise, this Nadeera of a woman handles everything in this house, what comes in and what goes out, even the housemates attend to no one when she is here except for Sarah and Jessica, who were employed by Anisha since her early days. Anisha was just a dusty image no one cared about, her presence wasn't welcome to start with.

The bond between Rubina and I was beautifully flourishing, her mother barely had time for her and now she is becoming attached to me day by day, but I have noticed some kind of odd or to say, a repetitive habit when she is tensed or perplexed and I don't think any of her parents has ever noticed it because the girl was 80% raised by Sarah, Jenny and others, that’s the truth.

Yesterday they spent almost 2 hours with MJ on a video call, he was sharing some tips with her about photography and painting, and he told her funny stories about his early days on the job and how others laughed at him. I love the way he broke down everything in an easy way for her brain to comprehend faster. I wonder how I will make time for her when school starts, the registration process will be starting next week and it feels like forever. Even though MJ had promised to help me through because he knew people there, I still felt the burden that came with getting a degree that I would not use, had it been my family been supportive enough I could have been in my final year in Artistry Academy at Lagos or Egypt but it's a hell no for them. I have to get a degree in science professional courses otherwise I have flunked in life, this is the exact way Baba was thinking.

Mama was just being supportive of Baba not because she cared but because she wanted her kids to come out different from her relative's own, secondly, while I insisted on coming to Abuja to explore my career and stay with my sister, Mama was cheerful about the idea because she was hoping that it is a tremendous move in hitting upon a rich fellow, that was why she also stood against Baba sending me to BUK.

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