Chapter 23| Steps To Hell...

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Sabrina’s POV

I ran to her, to rescue her out of empathy but she did as expected, she pushed me back aggressively, and that was when realized Rubina was watching everything, she was hiding and the back of the wall peeping, she was crying. Oh my lord my girl. How many times did she have to encounter this?

“Let go of me, useless girl! Do you what it takes for me to live in this house? I had lived in peace until you were here undoing all that I did in what feels like a jiffy, now that you caused this, are you happy? Or there is more damage you want to cause.” She yelled.

“Of course, there is more if this is what you call damage because no one is leaving this house today! I declared.

“What?! Mukhtar and Nadeera say in unison.

“Yes you heard me well, we are not leaving this house and even if Anisha is going, I will not, until the day I am willing to because none of you here is enough! I articulated powerfully, I knew I was delusional about some of the things I said but I knew what I meant.

“You must be crazy you little rat! Mukhtar threw a shisha pot at me but I dodged.

“You are the one who is crazy Mukhtar because crazy and stupid are those who prioritize their whores instead of their wives! You are very shameless and unlucky! You are a sore loser! A heartless man Mukhtar. And you are soon going to regret all these horrible things you are... Before I was done, I was cut short by a head-rotating slap. It was Anisha! She was raging and extremely angry.

“You slapped me, Anisha? I slurred unbelievably.

“Yes, I do, I slapped you, Sabrina because that is the only thing that can make you shut up! Instead of you going down on your knees apologizing, you settled on adding more fuel to the raging fire, what do you want me to do?! She cried.

“Anisha I understand your frustration but I need you to get back into your 6 senses and understand that these people are just making a show out of your fear and vulnerability! And we not leaving this house or apologizing to anyone.” I pondered.

“If you are done chirping pack your load of trash and excuse us, today will be a beautiful day for us Mukhtar isn't it, just me and you alone, another version of our honeymoon.” She cunningly proclaimed looking straight into Anisha's eyes. The humiliation!

“Nadeera or whatever you call yourself, I want you to know that we are not the reason you grew up in a broken home okay? We don't care if your father is like Mukhtar or none of your parents care about you! That's all your cup of tea but as far as I am concerned we are not leaving this house today, not because we are enjoying anything but because you are not important enough! 

She lost the color of her face, pale and shocked she became.

“Are you shocked that I know your history?! This is how every gold digger acts, every homebreaker has something in common, which is a broken home!

I love the way I am getting into her head.

“Mukhtar AbdulSamad! I think it's high time for you to choose! Make them leave or I will leave! She roared.

The moment I heard that, I ran to my room and locked the door. I heard him knocking and shaking the door as if he would break it but refused to open it! I will not leave! And if I would then it will be based on my willingness!

Anisha's POV

If insolence was a human then I am sure Sabrina is its mother! She is selfish aggressive, rude, and confidently insolent, she can't think beyond the tip of her nose, I wonder if there is a brain in her head because she needs to understand but she refuses, it is as simple as gulping down a cup of water. I was trying to save my marriage, that was it. And now that she caused this massive catastrophe upon me I don't think I can survive it.

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