Chapter 55| Ramifications

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Sabrina's POV

I was in the kitchen with Sarah, when I saw Nadeera coming down with Rubina, the girl seemed timid but I didn't interfere, we were making noodles as I was just back from the event Centre, Anisha Left with her beloved husband while my own beloved has promised to come and see by six in the morning before he left, he said he has something to give both me and Rubina.

If not for sacrifice and passion I wouldn't have been able to make it to that event center class by Seven in the morning, and now it is almost ten. When I was done, I decided to check on them in the living room cos my conscience wasn't clear, Nadeera and Rubina were in the same room, how did this even sound, had it been it was Anisha, I wouldn't have cared but this girl is little and these people are wild. And guess what my forecast was correct, Nadeera was streaming 50 Shades of Grey to Rubina, in the eyes of her life this woman chose to mess up with a kid brain instead of waiting for who offended her to come back.

“Nadeera, we both know that you are doing this to gain attention, to take revenge, but this is too much, this is not smart, she is just a little girl and you are ready to show her what she might not forget till eternity, this is a sensitive content, wild and outrageous, please, let her go, I am just pleading, I didn't come here to fight you, please just let her go,” I pleaded, fighting Nadeera will add up nothing but a spicy violence and it will end up on me and still not being able to achieve what I want which is nasty.

“Sabrina, you know why I let you stay in this house? She asked and shook my head.

“Because I love your courage, but what I hate is that you are not evil, and you will not be one, because evil is me and harams are my things, there is no leniency or mercy in my dictionary, now I am just showing her 50 Shades of Grey, if you dare act somehow with me then I will do the unthinkable, get out of here before I kill this girl before your eyes,” She asserted, pulling out a gun from the back of her trouser. Innalillahi! My eyes widened as I looked at Rubina who was crying helplessly.

I hopelessly walked out of the living room without a single word, cos the woman was mad, she could do what she said, Wallahi there was no point in staying with these people, Ya Allah provide me a space from your endless den, God knows this is heart-wrenching.

I was sitting in the dining hall yet it was just my body that was sitting there, but my mind, my heart, and all my consciousness were there in the living room until Alpha and Luna broke in like looters, He was dragging her mercilessly as they entered the living room.

I heard it well when Anisha shouted at Nadeera and then the startling sound that followed somebody was smashed, I just prayed it was not Rubina, I stood up involuntarily, I wanted to go to the living room but I was not sure about the decision, anything can transpire.

I got back to my chair but then before I sat down I heard Rubina's voice howling. I didn't know when I ran my way to the living room but then before I entered, an idea stopped me, I have a mini wireless camera in my room, and I need evidence for this if anything I don't know when any of us will need it, this level of violence has reference but it needs to be evidence no matter what. I rushed to my room and picked it up from the camera park I kept it in. I switched it on and rushed out.

When I reached the living room, I stood on the tip of my toe extended my hand to the top of the opened door, and placed the camera, before I made them aware of my presence. To my greatest surprise, this woman was forcing Rubina to eat ice cream at gunpoint while Anisha was pleading with her, Rubina has chronic pneumonia, and anything cold is not an option for Rubina, but this woman right here is forcing it on her because she felt like the girls mother has offended her.

And there he was, Pharoah's younger brother, holding Anisha by the neck as blood streamed down her nose, what was disturbing about the aura of the room was the naked people that were showing on the big screen.

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