Chapter 64| Trouble In Paradise

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Sabrina's POV

“Please one of you should make sense more than this girl, tell me why I won't prefer being raised by her. Aunty Haseena, I Anisha Taheer Ribado have no reason to go back to that marriage, I have given benefits of the doubt, and I have tolerated, endured, and done more than what your brain can think of, there is more to things than the eyes can see, and it is not everything that I will go on the street saying them because I want you to believe me, the point I have open to you is enough reason for you to allow me to be, I have tried, I lose my religion for him, I lose myself for him, I lose my talent for him, I forget myself for him, I lose my identity and sanity for him, Aunty Haseena what more do you want me to lose, my life? Because that is the only thing that remains, and I don't even know what to do with it...” She cried bitterly, the lump that grew in my throat almost had me choked.

“That is the point, you don't know what to do with your life because the only purpose you have in life is your marriage,  and believe you it is better to stand a trouble in paradise than trouble in hell! Your marriage is the cover of all your flaws in life, regardless of how you are exaggerating the extent of what your husband is doing who will even look at you and think you are suffering? Is this how you were taken to his house? Anisha, you are an eyewitness to what stubbornness has caused your sister, this should be enough lesson for you, you will regret this soon! Your father has called Uncle Hafeez to come and you know how hot he could be, it is just a piece of advice, Anisha, get up and go back to where you come from,” She angrily appealed.

“Let him call the chief of army staff but I am not going back Aunt Haseena, I am tired of being manipulated and played, enough is enough, five years is not five hours, five days, or five months, it is longer than you are estimating especially when you leave in threats and fear of what tomorrow hold, I am the one who experienced everything and no one should tell how to feel or react, yesterday this man took a knife and threatened me to undress myself to beat for goodness if it is your husband’s who asked you to do that, will you do it?

“Ke! Don't you dare ask us this kind of rubbish question! Who do you think you are? What is wrong with your head?! Aunt Saudah exclaimed.

“Oh, so now it is rubbish? So it is painful? But when it was done to Anisha, Anisha should have been patient and stayed back, have now seen the double standard? This is a good sign for me that you guys have destroyed my life more than Mukhtar did because you were the ones who put me up to this and I foolishly followed you because I thought you wanted the best for me but I was wrong, I was woefully and disdainfully wrong, listening to you was my biggest mistake in life, I wish I could go back in time to change things but it is not late for me because even now you guys will not get what you want!” She cried bitterly.

“Is it now that you realized that you are being foolish?! You were never sensible Anisha and you won't ever be and Alhamdulillah you can't go back in time and change anything! You have done what you have and you deserve every bit of the bitterness you are going through! Aunt Saudah yelled, Anisha Furiously made an attempt to pluck her but was stopped by Aunt Haseena. This was more painful than everything, Aunt Saudah was openly admitting that they intentionally misled her, haba! This is the epitome of heartlessness, the way my heart was boiling was something else.

“Are you going to beat her?! Are you in your right senses?! What is wrong with you Anisha?! Mama thundered as if her voice would rip the ground open, Her other half was offended.
“Fine Anisha! Here is the house! Stay! But believe me, you are not allowed to take even a sip of water in this house talk less of food! Don't you dare go into my kitchen or my food! Let's do it the way you want and let's see who will get tired first! Haseena get up Let's go upstairs, if you want you should wait for Uncle Hafeez to come and meet you here, it is your cup of tea! Stupid girl! 

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