Chapter 67| Heartless Condemnation!

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Sabrina's POV

Such is life! Rubina is gone! I spent the whole night watching her, and at a point, I couldn't cry anymore, the pain was overpowering, and the shock was indigestible, but not for Anisha, she spent the whole crying as if she lost all her family. Well, it is not 'As if' she surely lost all her family because she stood up for herself, Rubina is her only hope in life but she lost her for nothing. A very beautiful, bubbly, and ambitious young girl who has nothing in her heart but goodness, Allah took her away for a reason which I am sure is because she prayed for a better place, the world is unkind to her, her mothers suffering has affected their relationship not to talk about her father and her grandmothers, she was just raised by the house helpers with no attention or anything, her emotions were not respected nothing was greatly happening the way it should.

After Fajr's prayer, I heard Baba's movement downstairs because he was back from the Masjid, I urgently stopped him and asked if he had told people in the mosque, and by what time are they going to do the funeral. This man looked me in the eyes and said that he had nothing to do with our affairs anymore, her life or death was our problem, and as a result of our endless bawling he couldn't have a good night's sleep so he needed to take a nap. How can I believe that this man didn't adopt us, in tears and heart-crushing agony I knocked on Baaba Larai's room and gave them some cash to get us the white clothes and Zam Zam water for the bath, Baaba Larai said she knew where she can get in early in the morning while Umaima will go the Liman's house and informed him.

At this point, I was just managing, I called Aunt Salmah and Informed her to my surprise she said Mama had informed them and they would be on their way soon when I got back to the room, Anisha was unconscious on the floor, at first I thought she was asleep but the position she was laid didn't settle with me, What a disaster? The way her BP is shooting these days is something else I just pray it is not something terrible that happened to her, I sprinkle some water on her face, and she opens her eyes after some minutes, her body is as hot as an iron, she was enormously shuddering while I was measuring her BP, 192/185 Innalillahi wa'inna ialihi rajiun!

At this point what could I tell Anisha to make her feel better? Nothing indeed but then I still need to rip off that guilt she is feeling about this entire situation before these toxic people arrive. Today is their day.

"Look Anisha, I need you to listen to me and come back to your senses," I commenced. "This is such a test, I know, you live your life to their terms but when it comes to what is right, they refuse you, they came together and did this to you, I know that is it terrible but if I tell you that I know how you are feeling believe I lied to you because I cannot imagine how bad it is no matter how much I scrutinized through my brain,”

“You didn't deserve any of this but then I want you to understand me and put your trust in Allah, He knows better and He is watching us, I want you to understand that it was Rubina's time, her time was due in the world, regardless of Mama and Baba's rejections, regardless of Mukhtar's and Nadeera's torture, Rubina will not exceed yesterday alive, she won't because her time was exhausted and she has to answer the call of her creator so, please, Anisha compose yourself and don't allow shaytan and his agents whisper makes an impact on you, Aunt Saudah, Aunt Haseena, and Aunt Salmah are coming, and if you pay heed to what they say or their manipulative speeches you end up holding yourself accountable, and you will be more bitter than now, they will make sure they twist everything in such a way that everything that has happened will be your fault until you start seeing yourself as traitor, don't allow them and don't listen to them not in the slightest, cry out your heart but don't give up on your decision," I exemplified, She was just nodding at my me and when I kept quite she muttered thank you.

Umaima came back and informed us that the Imam said they would come by ten in the morning, through time we waited for Baaba Larai to come back, I spent it looking at Rubina, the way her features were pronounced was something else but what scared me the most was she didn't look like her at all, was it death or what?

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