Chapter 37| Trapped

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Sabrina's POV

“Stupid girl! Will you look up at me and stop shedding these annoying crocodile tears?! She yelled at Anisha.
Were you not the one who heartlessly did it?! Eh! Along with your shameless sister telling me that if I think you abort the baby why didn't I kill my son before giving birth to him? She sneered.

“Was that what she said?! He asked shocked and bewildered.

“Did you even listen to me before you ended the call? That was what she said but as for now, it is the last thing I care about Mukhtar, you providing a male child is my priority! She authoritatively proclaimed.

“A male child can not be bought in a market Madam! He rudely retorts.

“I should be the one to tell you this Mukhtar Wazeeri! If a male child is purchasable you wouldn't have been my only son today, I would have been at ease today! Mukhtar, you are not a child anymore, you need to get your shit together and start behaving like the mature man you are! She scolded.

“Okay Ma,” He mockingly said, resting his back and smirking at her red angry face.

“What does that supposed to mean?!
She thundered.

“Look Hajiya, my girlfriend is not ready to be a mother, and this trash you forced on me is doing nothing other than eating, sleeping, and annoying the hell out of me! She killed almost four babies and you are here shouting at me, what is wrong with you?! He yelled. What the heck? What a revelation! Anisha? Four babies?! Innalillahi! This is awful, something is fishy about this.

Hajiya dropped her satchel on the table explosively and paraded towards Anisha. Well, I love how every single fault is manipulated to end up on Anisha, Wallahi Anisha is very silly and stupid in tolerating this. Watching the way she was terrified and timid was funny and annoying enough to make you stuck between laughing and shedding tears.

“In the eyes of your life, you were not able to spot anything to destroy in this house except my son's life, why? Why Anisha?! She rumbled at her faking an attempt to slap her while she flinched and made an effort to cover her face.

“Hajiya... I am so...sorry, it is I...,” She cried bitterly.

“Who's fault is it then, who's? That is what you have been saying from day one up to date! She yelled at the top of her voice.

“But Hajiya have you ever listened to her?! The other girl mastered, the one in Ankara.

Don't you dare to interfere in this Naziya! Don't” Hajiya warned angrily.

“As you were saying young lady, whose fault is it because you know what? I am tired! I am exhausted and fade up with you and your devilish character! She shouted beyond expectation.

“It was him! Anisha blurted, what a punch from the cloud! Great, the truth will soon be out, how you be a human and still be able to accumulate torture to this extent?
Mukhtar turned swiftly, while Nadeera looked up and Hajiya's widened.

“What did you just say?! She inquired unbelievably while Anisha began to shake her head in denial.

“Talk! Hajiya Zahra roared.

“Hajiya, it was that day at the gym...He..he... beat me...down and matched on my...stomach... She stammered as she cried laboriously. I didn't know when tears fell from my eyes, the way she was crying wasn't right, this wasn't a normal cry, not a usual cry that she usually does but this was a cry of the vent, this a cry of a mother who loses a child and has been holding up for a long time.

Mukhtar jumped out of his seat and began to approach her.

“It was your fault, Anisha, you must have done something wrong to him, Anisha! Hajiya Zahra heartlessly backed her son.

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