Chapter 51| The Event

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Anisha's POV

I was standing in front of the mirror, doing the final touches by myself, the makeup artist had gone since, and my earrings were the only thing remaining the moment I wore them, my confidence boosted to level hundred, Aunt Haseena wouldn't have me regretting or this is the last. I promised. That day I refused Jalila's advice, so this woman went far as to call Mama, and Mama informed Aunt Haseena who called and addressed me blue black.

"Go there and take your husband back, call me and tell me that you do," she said. Aunt Saudah and Mama called me yesterday and affirmed my success, so what should I be afraid of, the event is taking place and the Exquisite Suite Hotel, so the Exquisite Suite Hotel here I come!

Sabrina's POV

We were already at the event center with the team, yeah you heard me well, we won!

We were wearing a black team shirt and I wore mine with a jumpsuit, MJ's team has his name on their shirt while mine has my name. Until we entered I never brought it to my mind that this particular event was the same partnership event that Mukhtar's company was holding until I saw Hajiya Zahra and her team sharing pleasantries with some, this is going to be a recipe for disaster, Eman is here already, Mukhtar and Nadeera will be here soon and I don't know if Anisha will be coming or not.

The event hall was big enough that I couldn't see the end of it, it was luxurious and grand, and the decorations were topnotch. There were few tables but most people were on their feet discussing one or two things.

What I love the most about the place is the way we were respected as photographers, there is no going back, we were the birds of the event, especially me, who was the single lady among them leading the team.

"I thought you were beautiful until I saw you in the light of passion," MJ whispered to me as I looked through the camera kept on its tripod.

"If you keep making me blush like this, they will send us away," I giggled.

"I won't mind if they will send us away together," He teased.

It took time for people to start gathering, and it was enough time for us to get the perfect location to reside with our properties. I was looking around when my eyes met that of Jalila, what is this woman doing here? Well, who knows if her husband is one of the shareholders in Mukhtar's company, she squinted her eyes trying to recognize the face but then I looked away, gladly I have a face mask in my pocket, I have to wear it if I want peace to reign before my eyes met that of Hajiya Zahra The Jagaban of trouble and entitlement!

I was showing a lady how to pose when I heard Naziya's voice coming from the speaker and everybody's attention went back to her. She looked so beautiful in a mustard, free gown and heels, her make-up wasn't loud but her lipstick was red.

"Hello everyone, Naziya Abdul Samad Wazeeri here, I want to use this medium to thank you all for being here to celebrate the yearly achievement with us which this time is expanded or I supposed, it was adjoined with the partnership signature with three different companies in there prime, so before the arrival of the CEOs arrival, I want to urge every one of you to be free and enjoy yourself to fullest, thank you! She said and passed the mic to the MC while everyone clapped for her.

From the look of things Naziya is not comfortable, the kind of glare they exchange with Hajiya Zahra, and the way she rolls her eyes at Eman seems like she was forced to do this for the eyes of the media.

"I need to start putting up my work together cos my Dad is here, you should be careful too Beauty, don't let him recognize you," says MJ as he walks in a haze. Poor Mine, but wait. He said I shouldn't let his dad recognize me and I should be careful, why? Did he know me?

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