Chapter 2| Throwback

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Anisha’s POV

The drive home was unhealthy and quiet, Mukhtar had been smoking throughout, and the choking smell of the cigarette almost brought an end to my already endangered life.

The moment we entered the parking spot, Mukhtar didn't even off the car or close the door, he was in a haze to torture me. He rushed to my side and opened the door. He carelessly dragged me out of the car into the house, I kept pleading and begging him to halt but he was not in the right position to think straight.

He didn't stop until we reached the first downstairs living room, He threw me down before I could decide what to do, he unfastened his belt and rolled the tip to his hand. He squatted in front of me as I sat up shivering in fear and worst anticipation.

“Anisha, for the last time, I am asking you this, Why did you abort the baby?! He screamed coldly.

“I...I...swear wasn’t an abortion... I had a miscarriage.” I said stammering and gasping for air in between sobs.

“Why? Why didn't you tell me then? Why?! He yelled.

“I... I was scared.” I cried, blocking my ears from his sudden outburst.

“Scared of what Anisha? Am I a monster? Liar! You will never change  Anisha, you will never.” He stood up and gave me a perfect lash of the belt on my back.

“Mukhtar please.” I cried in agony and pain.

“How does it happen then?! He bewildered wildly.

“Stop then I will tell you.” I pleaded.

“Are you commanding me bitch?! He yelled and began to beat me mercilessly as I cried begging him to stop.

“I will say it... I will say it, please Mukhtar stop I will tell you the truth.” I begged trying my best to protect my stomach from being hit again.

“Talk then! Animal! He screeched.

“It was that day at the gym.” I cried.

“What happened at the gym idiot?!

“It was last week when you found me down at the gym.” I cried in anticipation of what was coming subsequently. “You matched on my tummy when going out, that was how it happened.” I cried.

“You silly hypocrite! What are you trying to imply? That I killed the baby myself? Or what?! He yelled.

“No, that was not what I said, I was just telling you how the miscarriage occurred,” I said, my spirit fainting by seconds.

“What's the difference then?! You caused it and now you trying to blame me for punishing you the way deserve? What kind of woman are you, Anisha?! You are an animal who understands words through beatings and punishments, and now that you killed my baby, I will make sure that you suffer it for life! He Threatened as began to lash me out with his belt, mercilessly.

“The beating seemed endless and I decided to save my life by running away from this man. After so many attempts, I finally got the chance to get up. The most terrible decision of my life, because the last I remembered was him strangling me with wide palms and hitting my head on the wall. Rubina, Rubina was watching us from upstairs.

A few minutes later.

I woke up to the fading noises coming from downstairs and that was when I realized where I was in my room lying on the bed, I attempted to sit up but my body was heavier than a sack of cement and my head, let's not talk about it, it was throbbing non-stop. I placed my hand on my forehead to hold the place that was hurting the most, That was when I conceded that a bandage was rolled on my head. Mukhtar! Where is he? I hope he left the house, now that he found it the hard way the trouble will only magnify, he will tell Hajiya and that is another case again.

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