Chapter 7| Realization

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Anisha's POV

I defeatedly stood up and left the compound, Walking back to the house, I remembered that I had Sabrina to be angry at, I hurried my pace angrily but to my surprise, Sabrina was back in the kitchen busy on the former, Rubina was sitting on the table I was before the event, along with Sarah helping her out with an assignment. The three were conversing happily but that didn't stop stumbling in like a mad woman.

“What do you think you did Sabrina?! I yelled at her.

“Sarah can you help Rubina, back in her room, I will see you guys soon.” She politely dismissed them after pecking Rubina on the forehead.

“I am talking to you, Sabrina?! I yelled as some set of hurtful angry tears cast down on my cheeks.

“I did what you were supposed to do for me if I were in your shoes.” She answered back coldly.

“Bullshit! This was pure bullshit Sabrina, you are young and naive feeling as if the world of knowledge is revolving around your command! You don't know anything about marriage or sort, you just stumble with your big head held high and demolish everything built before you even know where your head is in the world! I outrageously shouted at her.

“Of course, I know nothing about marriage, especially one like yours. But I know and read about human rights, okay?! There is no way any of them will trespass into this house and treat you like the shit you are not and get away with it, not when I am in this house, Ya Anisha.” I retaliate.

“I did not ask for your help? Or was it even your business to start with Sabrina?! You just came in and ruined everything within the blink of an eye! Do you know who she is?! She is Mukhtar's mom Sabrina! My husband's mother! But you shamelessly stood there and rained insults on her face outrageously!

“Of course Ya Anisha, she is Ya Mukhtar’s mother, I knew her, wasn't she the woman who made you travel from Kano to Kaduna amidst a semester just to give some stupid measurements? Wasn't she the one who was baby-ing you to marry her son and you foolishly thought she loved you more than anyone in this world? I knew that a day would come when this particular woman would do something unspeakable to you and now look at what she did, and only God knows how many times she did this and got away with it! I never knew that you didn't know your worth to such a degree, You have undergone a miscarriage, like it or not you are in pain and suffering and you don't deserve to be treated in this manner! She backfired.

“This is not the matter of what she did to me or sort, it is the matter of her age and what you said to her! I pointed out.

“And that was because she didn't consider her age and what would come after her unjust attitude, to begin with! Oh Allah! Anisha tell me something please, did you abort the baby? She calmly asked.

“Did you lose a brain, Sabrina? How can you even ask me this? Do I look like someone who would do that before your eyes?! I yelled. Honestly,  I don't even know what specifically I am angry with.

“Then why are you working up yourself to prove to them that it wasn't an abortion? Do you even know what I realized in the meantime I spent with these people? Ya, Anisha they just want to trouble you, They enjoy seeing you in such a state of hopelessness and fright but from the bottom of their hearts, they know that you did not abort the baby. They are doing this because they understand how devastated their empty threat will make you feel. But nothing, I assure you, nothing is going to happen.” She claimed confidently. This girl is senseless.

“You must be senselessly stupid Sabrina! You a lunatic from the core of your existence! I yelled.

“Enough of these gangs of insults Anisha! What are you thinking?! That I don't feel it or what? All this because of what? Because I stood for you when you were on your knees begging for pointless forgiveness?! Fine! Have it your way, follow her to her residence, and continue from where you stopped as for me it is none of my business! She wildly yelled.

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