Chapter 30| Worse Arrival

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Sabrina's POV

“This is so kind of you MJ, your kind assertions made me deem like all the burden I have been lugging for years has been lost to air. Oh, Sabrina is a determined prostitute, Oh who will marry while you are gallivanting on the street, Oh, you will be thirty-two without a man in your life, and they think it is easy for me to carry because I am adamant while Anisha who chose to suffer is the their everyday favorite.” I smiled out of relief. “Thank you so much for giving your words and compassion, I can not thank you enough.

“Don't then, why would you Sabrina, I need no thank you, I just did what I was supposed to do, and you are also there for me, so why the stress? I just want to give a message that you should tell those people who are threatening you with age that you won't be thirty-two without a man in your life and also having a man is not the last achievement of a woman else your sister could have been happy today, cos she has the most handsome, rich and influential husband.” He spoke with pride and confidence which made me smile in awe.

“Delivered! I chuckled. “I will even tell them that I am no longer alone, I now have a backbone and someone who will come for all of them if they dare to mess up with me.” I laughed.

“Aha! This is a fact, and I not going to be lenient on anyone who provokes Hazelnut.” He beamed.

“But then I need you to be careful Hazelnut, you are fighting with a triangle that appreciates you not,” He warned.

“Yeah, I know, I am going through all this because I want her to understand that challenging them back won't do any harm, they can not do anything to her if she stands for herself,” I clarified, and he nodded.

“Now tell me what is this Hazelnut you are calling me? I smirked.

“The color of your eyes, three years back when I noticed your page, I noticed it together with your eyes, Masha Allah, they are so beautiful.” He fawned, steering a whole cake of blush on my face.

“Ayy... Don't blush.” he laughed wholeheartedly.

“That should be as painful as the deepening of your ravishing dimples, right? Giggle a flirted.

“Are you flirting with me, Miss Sabrina? He smirked mockingly.

“Perhaps, Rubina is not here,” I said and we both burst into a laugh like insane individuals. Like we were not the ones crying and reassuring each other a few minutes ago.

After flinging our burdens, we strolled around the park and had our lunch at the restaurant nearby, on our way back home, I asked him to branch at the store so I could buy the things I needed. After the shopping, he took me back home directly, and we talked about our craft and how to remain relevant before the eyes of the populace. It was a very comforting day, happy and carefree.

He dropped me off, bidding each other goodbye, wishing to see more of each other soon.

As I entered the house my hands full of shopping bags I heard a very treacherous honk at the gate, this must be Mukhtar or Her Majesty whore Nadeera. I thought. I fasten my pace to evade any form of disproportionate drama.

When I entered the house Sarah welcomed me by taking my shopping loads to my room.

“How is she, Sarah? I asked when I sat on my bed to get rid of my shoes.

“Not so well, I made some soup for her but she refused to eat.” She said, and when I looked up she looked down, she was hiding something.

“She is dying on her bed isn't Sarah? My voice cracked, and she nodded, affirming my fear.

“Did she welcome anyone? I can not help but ask, I am scared for her.

“Yes, Mrs Adnan was here but she refused to see her.” She divulged I couldn't camouflage the solace that flushed through my veins. It has to echo on my face cos why not?

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