Chapter 3| Her Arrival

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Anisha’s POV

An hour from now, she will be here, Their plane was said to land by 2:00 p.m., and now is one O’clock. Malam Habu, Jenny, and Rubina are all set to go and pick up at the airport.

Something had been gnawing in me ever since I heard about her applying to the University of Abuja, but when last did I ever feel certain about a thing, My greatest fear about having Sabrina here is that she will find out what kind of lifestyle we are living with Mukhtar in this house and she is not for the one keep quiet.

The girl is kind of different and hard to deal with, even Mama complains about her all the time, but it never bothers her, not even in the slightest. Sabrina is a black person with the white man mentality, had it been she was raised in a place like America, I would indisputably blame her environment. However, she is also right at some point but she has the most terrible way of presenting it. She is just hard to explain.

I know the moment she comes in, she will complain about me not being at the airport to pick her up, secondly, she will flood me with questions about my well-being because I lose weight and am ten times darker than my original complexion. But I will handle it extensively. She won't find out anything, at least not now.

I assigned Karima and Jessica to set up her room downstairs, in case anything is going on upstairs during her staycation, She won't be able to find out easily. Anything to prevent her from finding out. I know she likes the nude color, so we made it up to her. Anything for you Sabrina, Please don't just find out. I send a silent prayer.

Sitting in front of the huge mirror of my room, I was too lost in my head to even realize that it was 2:40 already, I did the final touches of the concealer I used to coat the purple bruises on my neck from yesterday's incident.

I looked in the mirror and affirmed myself one more time, before heading downstairs. It was like a calling cos the minute I reached down they came into the living room, She reached out for me hurriedly. She gave me a bone crush hug that almost made me die out of pain.

“Ya Anisha! She laughed hugging me once again full of excitement.

“My God Sabrina you turn out into a beautiful woman! Look at you.” I laughed.

“I am just eighteen and a slightly chubby Ya Anisha, Don’t call me a woman, please.” She laughed and I did it along with her. “But that is not the case, why aren't you at the airport? You know I miss you a lot, don’t you?” she nitpicked, I knew this was coming.

“I was supervising how your room was arranged and I had to get ready before the OCD queen arrived. ” I teased, Frankly I don't even know this part of me still exists.

“Well, I thought you were sick or something and you look different.” She said auditing me. “No stress just saying.” She shrugged smilingly.

“Just be yourself, Sabrina.” I laughed. “I know you would mention it the moment you come in.”

“Well...Am I not right?” she blushed.

“Of course you are Sabrina, I am sick but it's not something serious, Let's go to your room,” I said walking in that direction.

She cleared her voice in certain disagreement, an act she does when she wants to tease.

“Married people not so serious sickness.” She laughed and at the same, I felt a twinge in the essence of my soul.

“Dirty mind, it is not what you are thinking.” I managed to sound comical. Well, this is a bit hard.

“We will catch a glimpse pithily.” She said when I opened the door to her room.

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