Chapter 41| Devising

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Anisha's POV

Not just successful at collapsing my marriage, but I am also a good example of a bad mother, Rubina never got what a daughter deserves from her mother, not even a TV time or a special meal, nothing.

I can not lie, I am now a bit envious of the kind of bond they built with Sabrina, the girl loves her the most and couldn't stop talking about her as always, my heart sank the day I found her sleeping at her door especially knowing that I was the cause of it.

Sabrina is hellbent on giving Ruby everything she lacks from me and with time she will surely replace me in her heart, what relieved me was the fact that Rubina wants me to be there for her, that was what assured me that I am still important to her, otherwise I was just clueless of what to do about it.

Sabrina just left after informing me that, they planned on dressing code, which was pink because they were opting for The Barbie movie format of decoration. These two are planning to give the best of what I couldn't.

Regardless, if she is going to be happy, I have no fail in that, I will be happy too, but not satisfied because I am supposed to be the one who is doing it all but how can I? Stuck in such haunting trouble how can even be in my right senses to remember this, believe me, if not because I was reminded, I would never remember until she came back home from school crying like every year.

Honestly speaking, this mother-and-daughter relationship needs a major amendment, but the mother-and-father relationship was the one holding it back.

Sabrina's POV

“You. Look. dashing! I couldn't help but give out a major compliment making him smile at the unexpected blowout, it was me getting into his car.
He was wearing a white button-up shirt with a grey blazer, along with a navy blue trouser. His grey sneakers were from Nike while his belt was from Tiffany, his shade, this one I must snatch they were from Bulgari flora, and his watch was a black Rolex Daytona.

“And you look breathtaking as always, Good morning beauty, hope you slept well. He turned to me with a one-sided smile, this particular guy would be the death of me.

“Yeah, I did, I am not even ready to get out of my bed but then who am I to get stuck,” I rolled my at the thought as I put on my seat belt while was still watching me.

“Perfect,” He muttered maintaining the smile on his face.

”What did you say? I looked up.

“No, I am sorry I am all dressed up, I was urged to be at the office earlier, but I am here now,” he smiled.

“No, don't be, you just giving the CEO bad boy, kind of a vibe,” I swiftly checked him out up and down again.

“You are something else hazelnut,” he shakes his head smilingly.

“I just say my truth, Mr Bad,” I chuckled. He just shook his head and smiled.

“So, do you know the location of the school? He inquired fixing his eyes on the street. Great! How am I meant to know, I didn't ask Anisha before going out.

“No, I don't know,” I chuckled at my stupidity.

“So what are we going to do now,” He slowed down the speed.

“I can call Anisha, she will tell us,” I began to unlock my phone.

“Great beauty, show me the way to my former school,” He smirked as I looked up and he sped up.

“You must be joking MJ,” I beamed.

“Yeah, for a good four years, it's been one of the best schools in Nigeria, the main branch is located in California,” He explained, exactly! I remember when Anisha informed Mama about Rubina being enrolled in the school, Mama went ahead bragging about it for almost a month.

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