Chapter 58| Teaching A Lesson!

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Sabrina's POV

It took me a few minutes to realize where I was when I came back to my senses, I was lying in a room and a woman was sitting next to me, Abdul Majeed! I sit up hurriedly, I hope this is a dream, they found the place I was left when I was abducted and brought me here.

“Sabrina, are you awake? Aunty Zee asked. Holding me in place.

“Aunty Zee, is it true? Was he gone? I asked her with the last strong of hope in me. She nodded painfully trying hard not to cry.

“Sabrina, Oh God! Alhamdulillah, you wake up,” Mommy Malika said as she came into the room.

“What of Farhana? Did she wake up? Asked Aunty Zee.

“Yes, she woke up since,” She said and sat next to me.

“It is okay my daughter,  it will be fine, be strong and pray for him, that is all that we can,” Mommy Malika asserted and I nodded.

“In sha Allah, I will, thank you so much for the love and care, you are his Mom but you are the strongest one among all, no wonder he was so proud of you, I need to go back home, it's dark already,” I said. I didn't know where my phone or the car keys were.

“Can you drive Sabrina? You should call home and tell them you are staying here for the night, this is your home also,” She said.

“Don't worry Mommy Malika, I am fine and it is not far from here, I will come in the morning, In Sha Allah,” I affirmed. She gave me my phone and the car keys before bidding me goodbye, I went to Farhana's room where I found her with other people nursing her, I bid her goodbye and left.

It was seven PM when I reached home and gladly Mukhtar and Nadeera were not home yet. I proceeded to my room without looking for anyone, I opened the drawer picked up my camera, and sat on the floor, I hugged so hard crying my eyes out, everything had turned upside down, and my life was taking a new turn,  the trolley, the frames he gave me, Rubina's Camera and the papers where all where I kept them when I collected it from him this morning, I opened my camera rolls just to find the pictures we snapped this morning, Oh God, Abdul Majeed is gone, gone forever! I opened WhatsApp just to find his messages unread, he sent me the pictures and videos we filmed, laughing and giggling, MJ, Ya Allah!

This pain is beyond my capacity,  I can not withhold talking about digesting this, I hugged my phone and my camera crying so hard when the door opened wide. It was Anisha, she was standing at the door aggressively and she was less of a concern to me. I forget about her tons of calls.

“Where have you been? She asked as she walked into the room limping, she looked completely unrecognizable.

“Am I not talking to you, Sabrina? Where have you been and why are you not picking up your calls? She coldly asked, angry as ever, her frivolous trouble was the last I needed right now, I needed to be alone,”

“So many places doing so many things Anisha, please go away and let me be,” I stood up and kept my phone and the camera in front of the dressing mirror.

“Liar! You are a blatant liar, Sabrina, you lied to everyone in your life shamelessly she jaded angrily.

“What does that supposed to mean? What have I done to deserve this? Anisha, please you need to be sensible for once and let me be, and if you calm down and watch me, I will leave this house tomorrow, In Sha Allah! I proclaimed angrily.

“Of course, you are leaving this house tomorrow, since Baba has already booked your ticket! She yelled and I turned to her unbelievably.

“What did you just say? I asked

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